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 EU Projects under Framework Programmes

The Institute of Physics participates in the projects of the EU Framework Programmes, which are fully covered by EU funds. The current projects are listed on this page.

Projects of the 7th framework programme

Projects of the HORIZON 2020 programme

 Projects of Operational Programmes

The Institute of Physics has participated in the following projects within Operational Programmes financed from the European Structural and Investment Funds.

OP Research, Development and Education

OP Prague - Growth Pole of the Czech Republic

OP Enterprise and innovation for competitiveness

 Completed projects from the European Structural and Investment Funds

 Interreg Danube Transnational Programme

 Large Research Infrastructures

The Institute of Physics is the recipient of targeted support for the following projects of large research infrastructures. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports is responsible for their support in the Czech Republic.


The project database of the Institute of Physics