Calculation of the crystal field parameters (CFP) of the rare earth (RE)
ions in solids is a formidable problem and until now no robust ab-initio
method to calculate them is available. The main problem is that in most
approaches the 4f electrons of RE are allowed to interact with the
nonspherical electron density they create themselves and this false
selfinteraction completely distorts the crystal field. The second problem
is that no ab-initio method is capable to determine correctly the position
of the 4f levels relative to other electron states. In this contribution
we describe how the problem of the selfinteraction may be avoided, while
the problem of the 4f position is circumvented by introducing single
parameter, value of which is estimated using a semiempirical approach. The
method is first tested on Pr4+ ion in cubic praseodymium dioxide and then
applied to TbAlO3, for which set of CFP was determined recently and to
YAlO3 with small substitution of Y by RE (RE = Ce, ..., Yb). These systems
are frequently studied laser materials and a number of relevant
experimental data exist. To calculate the electron structure the WIEN2k
package is employed. After removing the selfinteraction, CFP are
determined from the RE 4f Wannier functions. The method is compared to
other approaches of CFP calculation and its limitations are discussed.