12th IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing

Monday, December 14, 2020 - 9:00am to Wednesday, December 16, 2020 - 4:00pm

Signal processing and machine learning constitutes an important area for the application of mathematical concepts and techniques, in an era where learning algorithms must be transparent, robust, explainable and understandable, and ethical. It is a thriving area, as demonstrated by the success of the UK hosting the recent International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) in Brighton in 2019.

Signal and information processing is at the heart of our technological world, fuelled by developments in, for example, mobile communications, networks and graphs, multimedia systems, medical image analysis, genomics and bioengineering, neural signal processing, big data processing and internet of things. The aim of the conference is to bring together mathematicians, statisticians and engineers with a view to exploring recent developments in mathematics for signal processing and machine learning and identifying fruitful avenues for further research. It is hoped that the meeting will help to attract more mathematicians into this important and challenging field.

The conference will follow the same successful format as our previous conferences, comprising of tutorials, keynote addresses and non-overlapping technical sessions consisting of oral and poster presentations. A social programme will be organised and will include a reception to welcome delegates.

Aston University
Aston University
B4 7ET
United Kingdom

Call for Papers
Contributed papers are invited on all aspects of mathematics in signal processing and will be accepted on the basis of a 300‐500 word abstract which should be submitted by 13 July 2020 via https://my.ima.org.uk. The majority of contributed papers will be presented in the poster sessions. Successful authors will be invited to submit a four page paper for inclusion in the conference proceedings by 2 November 2020.

Note: If you are an IMA Member or you have previously registered for an IMA conference, then you are already on our database. Please “request a new password” using the email address previously used, to log in.

Papers describing the application of mathematical developments in Signal Processing and Machine learning for physical modelling, communications, financial modelling, medicine, meteorology, radar, seismology, sonar, ocean science, multimedia, instrumentation and control, audio, and acoustics, etc., are invited:

  • Applications of Finite Mathematic
  • Nonlinear Optimisation/Modelling
  • Blind Deconvolution / Equalisation
  • Approximation Techniques
  • Time-frequency / Time-scale Analysis
  • Space-Time Adaptive Signal Processing
  • Vector Sensors and Geometric Processing
  • High Resolution Spectral Analysis
  • Graph Signal Processing
  • Signal Processing aspect of digital communications
  • Simultaneous localisation and mapping
  • Inference for diffusion processes
  • Statistical Signal Processing
  • Compressive Sampling
  • Graph Signal Processing
  • Inverse Problems
  • Adaptive Signal Processing
  • Numerical Linear Algebra
  • Machine Learning, including Deep Learning
  • Audio/Image/Video Processing
  • Array Signal Processing
  • Bayesian Signal Processing
  • Signal Separation Techniques

