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Travel Grant Applications

In order to fulfill its mission, the EMS Committee for European Solidarity will undertake actions to foster the development of mathematics in economically less-favoured regions within the geographical area of EMS membership. For this purpose and among other initiatives, the Committee awards travel grants to young mathematicians for presenting results at conferences or attending courses, or for research stays in foreign countries, normally up to a maximum of 900 euros in each case or 500 euros for trips within Europe.

Eligible researchers should use this online form in order to apply for travel grants.

The deadlines for applications are March 31 and September 30 and the decision will be communicated during April and October.

NOTE: Only acceptance will be notified within 45 days from the deadline.

Please upload a curriculum vitae in the Applicant section and any other relevant items (invitation letters, recommendations, etc.) in pdf format in the Additional Documents section at the bottom of this form.