Volume 67, Issue 5, 2018


Quercetin protects against stress-induced anxiety- and depression-like behavior and improves memory in male mice
N. Samad, A. Saleem, F. Yasmin, M. A. Shehzad
Pre-press article

Cardiovascular regulation and body temperature: evidence from a nap vs. sleep deprivation randomized controlled trial
J. Słomko, M. Zawadka-Kunikowska, J. J. Klawe, M. Tafil-Klawe, J. Newton, P. Zalewski
Pre-press article

Short-term administration of melatonin or ghrelin on diabetic rats: effects on angiotensin II and vasopressin–induced uterine contractility
D. Sugár, R. Agócs, E. Tatár, G. Tóth, P. Horváth, E. Sulyok, A. J. Szabó
Pre-press article

Association of anthropometric measurements with oxidant-antioxidant status among young Saudi females
R. Latif, N. Rafique
Pre-press article

Effects of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate in partially hepatectomized rats
M. Holeček, M. Vodeničarovová
Pre-press article

Value of the oxygen pulse curve for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease
A. De Lorenzo, C. L. Da Silva, F. C. Castro Souza, R. De Souza Leão Lima
Pre-press article

Impaired post-irradiation survival of cyclooxygenase-2-deficient mice
M. Hofer, Z. Hoferová, A. Gruzdev, L. Dušek, M. Falk
Pre-press article

Involvement of bone in systemic endocrine regulation
I. Žofková
Pre-press article

The impact of sound exposure on heart rate variability in adolescent students
M. Veternik, I. Tonhajzerova, J. Misek, V. Jakusova, H. Hudeckova, J. Jakus
Pre-press article

Time of VO(2)max plateau and post-exercise oxygen consumption during incremental exercise testing in young mountain bike and road cyclists
P. Hebisz, R. Hebisz, J. Borkowski, M. Zatoń
Pre-press article

Assessment of HRV after maximal exercise in trained postmenopausal women
J. C. Orri, E. M. Hughes, D. G. Mistry, A. Scala
Pre-press article

Subacute exposure to alcohol in relation to bone microstructure of mice
A. Sarocka, V. Kovacova, R. Omelka, M. Bauerova, E. Kapusta, Z. Goc, G. Formicki, M. Martiniakova
Pre-press article

Functional MRI study of gender effects in brain activations during verbal working memory task
Z. Tüdös, P. Hok, P. Hluštík, A. Grambal
Pre-press article

Arterial pH and blood gas values in rats under three types of general anesthesia: a chronobiological study
P. Svorc, D. Petrášová, P. Svorc Jr.
Pre-press article

Buffering agent via insulin-mediated activation of PI3K/AKT signaling pathway to regulate lipid metabolism in lactating goats
Lin Li, Mei Lin He, Kai Wang, Yuanshu Zhang
Pre-press article

Aspalathin, a c-glucosyl dihydrochalcone from rooibos improves the hypoglycemic potential of metformin in type 2 diabetic (db/db) mice
P. V. Dludla, K. B. Gabuza, C. J. F. Muller, E. Joubert, J. Louw, R. Johnson
Pre-press article

Effect of prior chronic aerobic exercise on overload-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy in mice
Siriguleng, T. Koike, Y. Natsume, S. Iwama, Y. Oshida
Pre-press article

This number will be issued in October 2018

© 2018 by the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences