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Diagnostika a dlouhodobá udržitelnost historických konstrukcí, materiálů a sídel


Domain 7: Diagnostics and sustainability of historical structures, materials and sites

  • Sustainability of historic materials, structures and sites
  • Historic timber structures including analysis of traditional technologies
  • Forensic analysis in civil engineering

For safeguarding architectural and built heritage a broader interdisciplinary research of historic materials, structures and sites has been developed in recent years. It includes development of relevant methods for diagnostics, monitoring and failure analysis of mainly timber and masonry structures as well as methods of their surveying, investigation, documentation, consolidation and conservation. The Institute takes part in formulation of strategies of scientific research in this field, on building up the necessary research infrastructure, support of application and dissemination of results by means of creating methodologies for management and safeguarding historic objects and cities. There has been also developed forensic analysis which is important for the Institute activity as an Expert Institute of the highest rank listed at the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic and elaborating expert opinions for courts in especially difficult cases requiring scientific approach.