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Waves in Flows, Summer School 2018,
August 27 - August 31, Prague

Waves are one of the most distinct and most important phenomena in fluid mechanics. The aim of this summer school is to present a comprehensive series of lectures on various aspects of waves and their role in mathematical analysis and numerical simulation of different types of flows.

  Conference website

Higher Structures – a new journal

M. Markl, together with M. Batanin and R. Kaufmann, founded the journal Higher Structures. It is an all-electronic, refereed journal on the theory of higher structures and its applications in the mathematical sciences. The journal publishes articles that make significant new contributions to mathematical science using higher structures, or that significantly advance our understanding of the foundational aspects of the theory of such structures. The scope of the journal includes: higher categories, operads and their generalisations, and applications of these to Algebra, Geometry, Topology, Combinatorics, Logic and Mathematical Physics.

Eduard Čech Distinguished Visitor Programme

The programme has been established with the aim to significantly enhance the creative environment in the Institute of Mathematics by bring here highly distinguished mathematicians for prolonged periods. The Eduard Čech Distinguished Visitor for 2017 will be Prof. Giovanni P. Galdi from the University of Pittsburgh. For the details of the programme see the corresponding


Pavel Exner received the Neuron Award for Contribution to Science

Prof. Pavel Exner, researcher in the Institute of Nuclear Physics CAS and President of the European Mathematical Society received the Neuron Award for Contribution to Science. This prestigious award is designated to acknowledge and recognise top Czech scientists at home and abroad who have reached outstanding achievements in their field and as such can serve as role models and inspiration.

IMU Prizes and Awards 2018 for mathematical achievement

The 2018 IMU Prizes and Awards were presented during the opening ceremony of the International Congress of Mathematicians on August 1, 2018, at Riocentro Convention Center in Rio de Janeiro.
The Fields Medals were awarded to Caucher Birkar for the proof of the boundedness of Fano varieties and for contributions to the minimal model program, to Alessio Figalli for contributions to the theory of optimal transport and its applications in partial differential equations, metric geometry and probability, to Peter Scholze for transforming arithmetic algebraic geometry over p-adic fields through his introduction of perfectoid spaces, with application to Galois representations, and for the development of new cohomology theories, and to Akshay Venkatesh for his synthesis of analytic number theory, homogeneous dynamics, topology, and representation theory, which has resolved long-standing problems in areas such as the equidistribution of arithmetic objects.
Constantinos Daskalakis received the Rolf Nevanlinna Prize for transforming our understanding of the computational complexity of fundamental problems in markets, auctions, equilibria, and other economic structures, David L. Donoho received the Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize for his fundamental contributions to the mathematical, statistical and computational analysis of important problems in signal processing, the Chern Medal was awarded to Masaki Kashiwara for his outstanding and foundational contributions to algebraic analysis and representation theory sustained over a period of almost 50 years, and the Leelavati Prize was awarded to Ali Nesin for his outstanding contributions towards increasing public awareness of mathematics in Turkey, in particular for his tireless work in creating the "Mathematical Village" as an exceptional, peaceful place for education, research and the exploration of mathematics for anyone.

Dr. Ivan Hlaváček passed away

With a deep sorrow we inform that Ing. Ivan Hlaváček, DrSc., long term researcher in the Institute of Mathematics, passed away on 22 July 2018 at the age of 85. He was a renowned specialist in numerical analysis, theory of elastic and elasto-plastic bodies, optimization and problems with uncertain data.
  Funeral card

Prague Summer School on Discrete Mathematics 2018

The second Prague Summer School on Discrete Mathematics was held in the week July 16-20. Three lecture courses for 42 participants from fourteen countries were delivered by Piotr Micek (Jagiellonian University, Poland), Aleksandar Nikolov (University of Toronto, Canada), and Péter Pál Pach (Budapest University of Technology, Hungary and University of Warwick, United Kingdom). These courses covered recent breakthrough results of the speakers. Piotr Micek talked on structural aspects of partially ordered set. Mathematical and computational aspects of combinatorial discrepancy were covered in the lectures by Aleksandar Nikolov. Péter Pál Pach focused on the so-called polynomial method. The highlight of his lectures was the cap set problem. This problem, which has been central for mathematics since the work of the Fields medailist Klaus Roth in the 1950's, was solved by Pach in collaboration with Ernie Croot, Vsevolod Lev, Jordan Ellenberg, and Dion Gijswijt only in 2016.
The school was organized by the Computer Science Institute of the Charles University and the Institute of Mathematics of the CAS, with a financial support from Charles University, the Czech Academy of Sciences and the RSJ Foundation. The next edition of the school will take place on the premises of the Institute of Mathematics of the CAS in 2020. More information about the school can be found at

Michal Doucha received the Otto Wichterle Award for young researchers

President of the Czech Academy of Sciences Prof. Eva Zažímalová awarded the Otto Wichterle Award for young researchers to Dr. Michal Doucha, member of the Department of Topology and Functional Analysis. The award has been established in 2002 to encourage and support young promising researchers in institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences. It is connected with a financial premium in the subsequent three years. Michal Doucha is one of 23 laureates in this year.

Barbara and Jaroslav Zemánek Prize

The Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences established the Barbara and Jaroslav Zemánek Prize supervised by the Barbara and Jaroslav Zemánek Fund. The prize is granted annually to a person younger than 35 years at the end of the year preceding the award of the prize, and it is granted for achievements in the fields in which Jaroslav Zemánek was active, i.e. functional analysis, with special emphasis on operator theory.
Jaroslav Zemánek (3. 9. 1946 – 18. 2. 2017) worked in the Institute of Mathematics CAS in 1969–1982. Among five members of the Prize Jury is Vladimír Müller from the Institute of Mathematics CAS.

The Czech Mathematical Society Prize for Young Mathematicians

The Czech Mathematical Society is awarding the Prize for Young Mathematicians. The Prize is given every fourth year to up to four Czech mathematicians or groups of mathematicians under 35 for their excellent publications. On Monday 12th February, the Prize 2018 was awarded to Michal Doucha and Václav Mácha from the Institute of Mathematics CAS, and to Martin Branda and Jan Šaroch from the Charles University.

Eduard Feireisl received the Honorary Bernard Bolzano Medal for Merits in Mathematical Sciences

President of the Czech Academy of Sciences Prof. Eva Zažímalová awarded Eduard Feireisl the Honorary Bernard Bolzano Medal for Merits in Mathematical Sciences. The ceremony took place on 19th December 2017 in the Institute of Mathematics of the CAS during the international workshop Prague Compressible Meeting organized to celebrate Eduard's 60th birthday. Eduard Feireisl is one of the world leading specialists in mathematical theory of fluid mechanics whose ideas made a breakthrough in understanding the mechanism of compressible fluid flow. Since 2013 he has been the principal investigator of the ERC Advanced Grant MATHEF. He is among 7 world researchers supported in 2018 by the Einstein Foundation in Berlin.

Pavel Pudlák and Vladimír Šverák received the Neuron Award for Contribution to Science 2017

On 6th December 2017, the Neuron Foundation for Support of Science awarded seven researchers the prestigious Neuron Award for Contribution to Science.
In the field of computer science, which has been included for the first time this year, the award went to Pavel Pudlák, member of the Institute of Mathematics of the CAS and a worldwide renowned specialist in the complexity theory whose expertise has been credited by the prestigious ERC Advanced Grant FEALORA in 2014. We are proud that after Miroslav Fiedler, Ivo Babuška and Eduard Feireisl this is already the fourth Neuron Award for a researcher who is or used to be member of the Institute of Mathematics.
In the field of mathematics where the awards have been given every year since 2010, the laureate of this year is Vladimír Šverák from the University of Minnesota, an eminent specialist in partial differential equations and mathematical theory of continuum mechanics. Vladimír Šverák started his career in the Institute of Mathematics and currently he serves as member of fhe International Advisory Board of the Institute.

The fourteenth Eduard Čech Lecture: Prof. Giovanni P. Galdi, University of Pittsburgh

Recent Findings and Open Problems in Some Fundamental Aspects of Mathematical Theory of Liquid-Solid Interaction

Thursday, 14 December 2017 at 10:30 a.m., in the main lecture hall of the Institute of Mathematics CAS

For abstract see the invitation below. The distinguished Eduard Čech Lectures held to commemorate one of the most eminent Czech mathematicians and founder of the Institute are directed to a general mathematical audience.

Prof. G. P. Galdi is the first Eduard Čech Distinguished Visitor. The fourteenth Eduard Čech Lecture will be part of his research programme in the Institute of Mathematics, as well as his lecture Hopf bifurcation in Navier-Stokes flow past a rotating obstacle in the Seminar on Continuum Mechanics dedicated to the memory of Professor Jindřich Nečas, on 6 December 2017 at 3:40 p.m. in lecture hall K1 at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University, Sokolovská 83, Praha 8. Prof. Galdi's Eduard Čech Distinguished Visitor programme will continue in February 2018.

  Invitation to the Eduard Čech Lecture
  Video (approx. 4GB)

Samuel R. Buss received the Bolzano Medal

Professor Samuel R. Buss, University of California, San Diego, received the Bernard Bolzano Honorary Medal for Merit in Mathematical Sciences awarded by the Czech Academy of Sciences. The medal was presented by member of the Academy Council Dr. Pavel Krejčí on behalf of the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences Prof. Eva Zažímalová. The ceremony held in the historical building of Villa Lanna on 2nd November 2017 was part of the Prague Bounded Arithmetic Workshop 2017.
Samuel Buss, a renowned specialist in mathematical logic and computer science, has been collaborating for many years with the Czech mathematicians P. Pudlák, J. Krajíček, J. Sgall and N. D. Thapen.
  Photos from the ceremony

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