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«2017 2018 2019 »
37 captures
9 Apr 16 - 5 Oct 20
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  • Eitzinger, J. ; Trnka, M. ; Semerádová, D. ; Thaler, S. ; Svobodová, E. ; Hlavinka, P. ; Šiška, B. ; Takáč, J. ; Malatinská, L. ; Nováková, M. ; Dubrovský, Martin ; Žalud, Z., 2013: Regional climate change impacts on agricultural crop production in Central and Eastern Europe – hotspots, regional differences and common trends, Journal of Agricultural Science, 151, 6, pp. 787-812
  • Fischer, Milan ; Trnka, Miroslav ; Kučera, J. ; Deckmyn, G. ; Orság, Matěj ; Sedlák, Pavel ; Žalud, Z. ; Ceulemans, R. , 2013: Evapotranspiration of a high-density poplar stand in comparison with a reference grass cover in the Czech–Moravian Highlands, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 181, -, pp. 43-60
  • Fišák, Jaroslav ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Vojta, Jaroslav ; Bartůňková, Kristýna, 2013: Automatic Monitoring of the Amount of Deposited Precipitation, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 14, 2, pp. 670-676
  • Chládová, Zuzana ; Fišer, Ondřej ; Brázda, Vladimír ; Svoboda, Jaroslav, 2013: Correlation of free-space optics link attenuation with sonic temperature, Optical Engineering, 52, 3, pp. -
  • Ijaz, M. ; Ghassemlooy, Z. ; Perez, J. ; Brázda, V. ; Fišer, Ondřej, 2013: Enhancing the atmospheric visibility and fog attenuation using a controlled FSO channel, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 25, 13, pp. 1262-1265
  • Ijaz, M. ; Ghassemlooy, Z. ; Pešek, J. ; Fišer, Ondřej ; Le Minh, H. ; Bentley, E., 2013: Modeling of Fog and Smoke Attenuation in Free Space Optical Communications Link Under Controlled Laboratory Conditions, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 31, 11, pp. 1720-1726
  • Juruš, Pavel ; Eben, Kryštof ; Resler, Jaroslav ; Krč, Pavel ; Kasanický, Ivan ; Pelikán, Emil ; Brabec, Marek ; Hošek, Jiří, 2013: Estimating climatological variability of solar energy production, Solar Energy, 98, Part C, pp. 255-264
  • Minářová, J., 2013: Climatology of precipitation in the Vosges mountain range area., AUC GEOGRAPHICA, 48(2), pp. 51-60
  • Púčik, T. ; Valachová, M. ; Zacharov, Petr, jr., 2013: Upper tropospheric conditions in relation to the cloud top features of 15 August 2010 convective storms, Atmospheric Research, 123, -, pp. 249-267
  • Sokol, Zbyněk ; Kitzmiller, D. ; Pešice, Petr ; Mejsnar, Jan, 2013: Comparison of precipitation nowcasting by extrapolation and statistical-advection methods, Atmospheric Research, 123, 1, pp. 17-30
  • Svoboda, Jaroslav ; Chládová, Zuzana ; Hošek, Jiří ; Pop, Lukáš, 2013: Statistical-dynamical downscaling of wind roses over the Czech Republic, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 112, -, pp. 713-722
  • Zacharov, Petr, jr. ; Řezáčová, Daniela ; Brožková, R., 2013: Evaluation of the QPF of convective flash flood rainfalls over the Czech territory in 2009, Atmospheric Research, 131, -, pp. 95-107


  • Bližňák, Vojtěch ; Sokol, Zbyněk, 2012: The exploitation of Meteosat Second Generation data for convective storms over the Czech Republic, Atmospheric Research, 103, -, pp. 60-69
  • Fišák, Jaroslav ; Stoyanova, V. ; Bartůňková, Kristýna ; Tesař, Miroslav ; Shoumkova, A., 2012: Typical insoluble particles in fog water at Milešovka Observatory (Czech Republic), Pure and Applied Geophysics, 169, 5-6, pp. 1083-1091
  • Sokol, Zbyněk ; Pešice, Petr, 2012: Nowcasting of precipitation – Advective statistical forecast model (SAM) for the Czech Republic, Atmospheric Research, 103, -, pp. 70-79
  • Sokol, Zbyněk ; Zacharov, Petr, 2012: Nowcasting of precipitation by an NWP model using assimilation of extrapolated radar reflectivity, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 138, 665, pp. 1072-1082


  • Hošek, Jiří ; Musílek, P. ; Lozowski, E. ; Pytlak, P., 2011: Effect of time resolution of meteorological inputs on dynamic thermal rating calculations, IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, 9, 5, pp. 941-947
  • Kvičera, V. ; Grábner, M. ; Fišer, Ondřej, 2011: Long-Term Propagation Statistics and Availability Performance Assessment for Simulated Terrestrial Hybrid FSO/RF System, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, pp. 435262/1-435262/9
  • Mahfouf, J. - F. ; Bližňák, Vojtěch, 2011: Combined assimilation of screen-level observations and radar-derived precipitation for soil moisture analysis, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 137, 656, pp. 709-722
  • Müller, Miloslav ; Kašpar, Marek, 2011: Association between anomalies of moisture flux and extreme runoff events in the south-eastern Alps, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 11, 3, pp. 915-920
  • Schejbal, V. ; Fišer, Ondřej ; Ondráček, O., 2011: Comments on "on the Power Absorbed and Scattered by an Antenna" [Letter to the Editor], IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 53, 2, pp. 172-174
  • Sokol, Zbyněk, 2011: Assimilation of extrapolated radar reflectivity into a NWP model and its impact on a precipitation forecast at high resolution, Atmos. Res., 100, 2-3, pp. 201-212


  • Aubinet, M. ; Feigenwinter, C. ; Heinesch, B. ; Bernhofer, C. ; Canepa, E. ; Lindroth, A. ; Montagnani, L. ; Rebmann, C. ; Sedlák, Pavel ; Van Gorsel, E., 2010: Direct advection measurements do not help to solve the night-time CO2 closure problem: Evidence from three different forests, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150, 5, pp. 655-664
  • Kašpar, Marek ; Müller, Miloslav, 2010: Variants of synoptic-scale patterns inducing heavy rains in the Czech Republic, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 9-12, pp. 477-483
  • Kvičera, V. ; Grábner, M. ; Fišer, Ondřej, 2010: Propagation characteristics and availability performance assessment for Simulated Terrestrial Hybrid 850 nm/58 GHz System, Radioengineering, 19, 2, pp. 254-261
  • Müller, Miloslav ; Kašpar, Marek, 2010: Quantitative aspect in circulation type classifications – An example based on evaluation of moisture flux anomalies, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 9-12, pp. 484-490
  • Pešek, J. ; Fišer, Ondřej ; Svoboda, Jaroslav ; Schejbal, V., 2010: Modeling of 830 nm FSO Link Attenuation in Fog or Wind Turbulence, Radioengineering, 19, 2, pp. 237-241
  • Sedlák, Pavel ; Aubinet, M. ; Heinesch, B. ; Janouš, Dalibor ; Pavelka, Marian ; Potužníková, Kateřina ; Yernaux, M, 2010: Night-time airflow in a forest canopy near a mountain crest, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150, 5, pp. 736-744
  • Zeri, M. ; Rebmann, C. ; Feigenwinter, Ch. ; Sedlák, Pavel, 2010: Analysis of periods with strong and coherent CO2 advection over a forested hill, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150, 5, pp. 674-683


  • Fišák, Jaroslav ; Stoyanova, V. ; Tesař, Miroslav ; Petrova, P. ; Daskalova, N. ; Tsacheva, Ts. ; Marinov, M. , 2009: The pollutants in rime and fog water and in air at Milesovka Observatory (Czech Republic), Biologia, 64, 3, pp. 492-495
  • Fišák, Jaroslav ; Tesař, Miroslav ; Fottová, D., 2009: Pollutant concentrations in the rime and fog water at the Milesovka Observatory, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 196, 1-4, pp. 273-285
  • Fišer, Ondřej ; Wilfert, O., 2009: Novel Processing of Tipping-Bucket Rain Gauge Records, Atmospheric Research, 92, 3
  • Kašpar, Marek ; Müller, Miloslav, 2009: Cyclogenesis in the Mediterranean basin: a diagnosis using synoptic-dynamic anomalies, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 9, 3, pp. 957-965
  • Kašpar, Marek ; Müller, Miloslav ; Kakos, Vilibald ; Řezáčová, Daniela ; Sokol, Zbyněk, 2009: Severe storm in Bavaria, the Czech Republic and Poland on 12–13 July 1984: A statistic- and model-based analysis, Atmospheric Research, 93, 1-3, pp. 99-110
  • Lammel, G. ; Dobrovolný, P. ; Dvorská, A. ; Chromá, K. ; Brázdil, R. ; Holoubek, I. ; Hošek, Jiří, 2009: Monitoring of persistent organic pollutants in Africa. Part 2: Design of a network to monitor the continental and intercontinental background, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 11, 11, pp. 1964-1972
  • Müller, Miloslav ; Kašpar, Marek ; Řezáčová, Daniela ; Sokol, Zbyněk, 2009: Extremeness of meteorological variables as an indicator of extreme precipitation events, Atmospheric Research, 92, 3, pp. 308-317
  • Řezáčová, Daniela ; Zacharov, Petr ; Sokol, Zbyněk, 2009: Uncertainty the area-related QPF for heavy convective precipitation, Atmos. Res., 93, pp. 238-246
  • Sokol, Zbyněk, 2009: Effects of an assimilation of radar and satellite data on a very-short range forecast of heavy convective rainfalls, Atmos. Res., 93, pp. 188-206
  • Sokol, Zbyněk ; Bližňák, Vojtěch, 2009: Areal distribution and precipitation-altitude relationship of heavy short-term precipitation in the Czech Republic in the warm part of the year, Atmos. Res., 94, pp. 652-662
  • Sokol, Zbyněk ; Kitzmiller, D. ; Pešice, Petr ; Guan, S., 2009: Operational 0–3 h probabilistic quantitative precipitation forecasts: Recent performance and potential enhancements, Atmospheric Research, 93, 3, pp. 318-330
  • Sokol, Zbyněk ; Řezáčová, Daniela, 2009: Assimilation of the radar-derived water vapour mixing ratio into the LM COSMO model with a high horizontal resolution, Atmospheric Research, 92, 3, pp. 331-342
  • Vach, Marek ; Skřivan, Petr ; Rohovec, Jan ; Fišák, Jaroslav ; Kubínová, Petra ; Burian, Miloš, 2009: Inorganic pollutants in wet atmospheric deposition and the trajectories of their possible transport, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 169, 1-4, pp. 369-383
  • Zacharov, Petr, jr. ; Řezáčová, Daniela, 2009: Using the fractions skill score to assess the relationship between an ensemble QPF spread and skill, Atmospheric Research, 94, 4, pp. 684-693


  • Göckede, M. ; Foken, T. ; Aubinet, M. ; Aurela, M. ; Banza, J. ; Bernhofer, C. ; Bonnefond, J. M. ; Brunet, Y. ; Carrara, A. ; Clement, R. ; Dellwik, E. ; Elbers, J. ; Eugster, W. ; Fuhrer, J. ; Granier, A. ; Grünwald, T. ; Heinesch, B. ; Janssens, I. A. ; Knohl, A. ; Koeble, R. ; Laurila, T. ; Longdoz, B. ; Manca, G. ; Marek, Michal V. ; Markkanen, T. ; Mateus, J. ; Matteucci, G. ; Mauder, M. ; Migliavacca, M. ; Minerbi, S. ; Moncrieff, J. ; Montagnani, L. ; Moors, E. ; Ourcival, J.M. ; Papale, D. ; Pereira, J. ; Pilegaard, K. ; Pita, G. ; Rambal, S. ; Rebmann, C. ; Rodrigues, A. ; Rotenberg, E. ; Sanz, M. J. ; Sedlák, Pavel ; Seufert, G. ; Siebicke, L. ; Soussana, J. F. ; Valentini, R. ; Vesala, T. ; Verbeeck, H. ; Yakir, D., 2008: Quality control of CarboEurope flux data – Part 1: Coupling footprint analyses with flux data quality assessment to evaluate sites in forest ecosystems, Biogeosciences, 5, 2, pp. 433-450
  • Kašpar, Marek ; Müller, Miloslav, 2008: Selection of historic heavy large-scale rainfall events in the Czech Republic, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 8, 6, pp. 1359-1367


  • Kašpar, Marek ; Müller, Miloslav, 2007: Diagnostic analyses of convective events - The effect of propagating gust fronts, Atmospheric Research, 83, 2-4, pp. 140-151
  • Kolka, Z. ; Wilfert, O. ; Fišer, Ondřej, 2007: Achievable qualitative parameters of optical wireless links, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 9, 8, pp. 2419-2423
  • Řezáčová, Daniela ; Novák, Petr ; Kašpar, Marek ; Setvák, Martin, 2007: Fyzika oblaků a srážek, Praha, Academia, pp. 576
  • Řezáčová, Daniela ; Sokol, Zbyněk ; Pešice, Petr, 2007: A radar-based verification of precipitation forecast for local convective storms, Atmospheric Research, 83, 2-4, pp. 211-224


  • Fišák, Jaroslav ; Řezáčová, Daniela ; Mattanen, J. , 2006: Calculated and measured values of liquid water content in clean and polluted environments, Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 50, 1, pp. 121-130
  • Fišák, Jaroslav ; Skřivan, Petr ; Tesař, Miroslav ; Fottová, D. ; Dobešová, Irena ; Navrátil, Tomáš, 2006: Forest vegetation affecting the deposition of atmospheric elements to soils, Biologia, 61, Suppl. 19, pp. S255-S260
  • Fišer, Ondřej ; Květoň, V., 2006: Stability of rain-rate distribution: how many years to measure?, Electronics Letters, 42, 10, pp. 567-569
  • Sokol, Zbyněk, 2006: Mos based forecast of 6-hourly area precipitation, Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 50, 1, pp. 105-120
  • Sokol, Zbyněk, 2006: Nowcasting of 1-h precipitation using radar and NWP data, Journal of Hydrology, 328, 1-2, pp. 200-211
  • Sokol, Zbyněk ; Řezáčová, Daniela, 2006: Assimilation of radar reflectivity into the LM COSMO model with a high horizontal resolution, Meteorological Applications, 13, 4, pp. 317-330


  • Aubinet, M. ; Berbigier, P. ; Bernhofer, C. ; Cescatti, A. ; Feigenwinter, C. ; Granier, A. ; Grünwald, T. ; Havránková, Kateřina ; Heinesch, B. ; Longdoz, B. ; Marcolla, B. ; Montagnani, L. ; Sedlák, Pavel, 2005: Comparing CO2 storage and advection conditions at night at different carboeuroflux sites, Boundary Layer Meteorology, 116, -, pp. 63-94
  • Řezáčová, Daniela ; Kašpar, Marek ; Müller, Miloslav ; Sokol, Zbyněk ; Kakos, Vilibald ; Hanslian, David ; Pešice, Petr., 2005: A comparison of the flood precipitation episode in August 2002 with historic extreme precipitation events on the Czech territory, Atmospheric Research, 77, -, pp. 354-366
  • Řezáčová, Daniela ; Pešice, Petr ; Sokol, Zbyněk, 2005: An estimation of the probable maximum precipitation for river basins in the Czech Republic, Atmospheric Research, 77, -, pp. 407-421