Curriculum vitae
1990-1995 Mgr. Department of Biochemistry at Faculty of Natural Sciences UK Bratislava, Slovak Republic
1995-2004 Ph.D. Department Plant Physiolgy at, Faculty of Natural Sciences UK Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Institute of Experimental Botany Olomouc, Czech Republic
1995-2004 junior scientist, Institute of Experimental Botany Olomouc, Czech Republic
2004-2006 Postdoc - Department of Plant Science, University of California, Davis, USA
2006-present senior scientist, Institute of Experimental Botany Olomouc, Czech Republic
Scientific interests: Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Genetics, Cytogenetics and Physiology of plants, Structure of Nuclear Genome, Functional genomics, Biology of agronomically important traits, Crop improvement, Powdery mildew genomics, Resistance genes cloning, Host-Pathogen Interactions, Yield related gens in wheat.
Teaching and mentoring:
2006 – present Lecturer (Biochemical and molecular markers in taxonomy), Palacky University, Faculty of Science, Laboratory of Growth Regulators, Olomouc, 2009 Training course: Molecular markers in plant breeding 2006 – present 5 Ph.D. students (currently 3)
2006 – present 6 M.Sc. students (currently 1)
2006 – present 4 Bc. students