
In September 2017 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR replicated some of the questions about beer, which constitute a part of research project Pubs and Beer in Czech Society that is under way since 2004. This press release maps basic results of questions about the choice of beer, preference of favourite brands and willingness to tray unfamiliar ones and also about the interest in information concerning beer.

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In September 2017 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR replicated some of the questions about beer, which constitute a part of research project Pubs and Beer in Czech Society that is under way since 2004. This press release maps basic trends about the share of consumers among Czech citizens and about both amount and frequency of beer consumption from 2004 to 2017. The status of non-alcoholic beer is mentioned as well.

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In September 2017 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR surveyed questions about the ban of smoking in gastronomical facilities. This press release maps basic results about the attitudes to the ban before the introduction of the act in June 2017 and three months after, both in the context of the general public and within groups of people which attend different kinds of restaurants. The press release brings also the information about arguments, which Czech citizens use for giving reasons to their agreement and disagreement with the introduction of the act.

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The Public Opinion Research Centre (CVVM) within the research programme "Memory in the Digital Age" supported by the AV21 Strategy of the Academy of Sciences translated to English several press releases from the first half of this year to provide the final findings not only to Czechs. Press releases in English are available on previously published annotations.

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In September, the Public Opinion Research Centre asked a set of questions related to attitudes of the Czech citizens towards last year's amendment of a law about Czech educational system. Simultaneously, the Public Opinion Research Centre probed opinions about standardized secondary school graduation tests and fees for the higher education.

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In the opinion poll carried out in September 2017 by the Public Opinion Research Centre, questions regarding the Czech education system were included. More specifically, the questionnaire asked surveyors about their opinions towards the quality of education in different types of schools, and their perception of the possibility to gain education based on one’s abilities. Moreover, the surveyors were asked to evaluate if the education system is able to develop different aspects.

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In June 2017 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions connected to genetically modified food. Specifically, respondents commented their interest in genetically modified food. Subsequently, how often respondents monitor data on genetically modifying food or product ingredients on product labels. The last part of the block was a set of statements regarding the safety of eating such food, scientific knowledge of their impact on human health and the buying genetically modified food. The report also offers some comparison of the results of research by the Pew Research Centre in the US.

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Within the block of questions devoted to consumer behavior and food waste included in CVVM June survey, respondents were asked several questions about organic food. First, the respondents' interest in information about organic food was investigated. Next, whether people buy organic food themselves, how often and for what reasons they do it. The question was also asked how often people prefer foods marked as “organic” to those without this mark.

According to research results, people in Czech Republic buy organic food only rarely. In connection with this they also do not search for information related to this theme. If Czech people buy organic food, they do it especially because there are no chemicals used for producing those eatables. We can say that significantly higher interest in information about organic foods have women who are also more prone to buy them.

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As a part of its June survey, CVVM asked respondents several questions about food and, above all, food waste. Part of this block was constituted of questions dedicated to the purchase of visually not quite perfect fruit and vegetables. The respondents were specifically expressing what foods they would choose if they had possibility to choose from - whether perfect or less perfect and whether they would even think about the appearance of the selected vegetable or fruit. They also chose the reasons that would lead them to this choice. One of the questions was also focused on who, according to the respondents, decides which fruit and vegetables are going to get into the counter at the shops. The last point was respondents´ estimation of wasted food share due to visual imperfections towards total production.

According to results of the research, Czech consumers would prefer visually perfect fruit and vegetables before those with imperfections. This type of food have elected 61 % of respondents. Among possible reasons that lead them to prefer perfect food, people chose mainly easier cutting and cleaning. Many respondents also think that buying visually perfect food is commonly normal.

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In June 2017 Public Opinion Research Centre AV ČR, v.v.i., examined the attitudes and behaviors declared by the Czech public with regard to the basic dimensions of the issue of food wastage: Respondents evaluated the urgency of the problem and the reasons that motivate individuals to reduce food waste. They estimated amount of food thrown away in the household and the reasons that lead to food wastage. We also focused on organization of purchasing and behaviour towards checking of “Use before/by…” and “Best before” labels. These findings are then set into the context of international comparisons, especially with Britain and the United States.

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