RNDr. Martin Šimon , Ph.D.
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Curriculum vitae
- 2012 PhD, General issues in geography, Faculty of Science, Charles University
- 2008 MSc, Social geography and regional development, Faculty of Science, Charles University
- 2006 BSc, Geography and cartography, Faculty of Science, Charles University
- residential mobility and segregations
- environmental criminology
- political and electoral geography
- geographic information systems (GIS) in social sciences
- mobilities research, counterurbanisation
Methods in Social Geography I, Methods in Social Geography II, Urban Social Geography I, Urban Social Geography II, Selected Chapters from Physical and Human Geography, (Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague)
2018 - Institute of Criminology, The Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, June
2018 - The Centre of Sociological Research (CeSO), The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, February-April
2017 - School of Geography & Sustainable Development, The University of St Andrews, Scotland, October-November
2017 - Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, February-March
2008 - Geographisches Institut, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany, Erasmus programme, 6 months