The Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences invites you to the international workshop
The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts involved in the organization of comparative social science research programmes, practitioners from data collection agencies, and comparative data analysts. The presentations and discussions at this workshop will address a broad range of issues including the implementation of harmonised methodologies under country specific conditions, the construction of comparable survey instruments, data harmonisation and comparability, and organisational issues related to international research programmes.
The public domain databases that hold information from the major longitudinal comparative survey programmes in social sciences such as the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), the European Social Survey (ESS), and the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) are key resources for empirical social research in Europe. The Czech Republic participates in all above mentioned international research programmes, in addition to several others, where the resulting data have been used in many Czech-based social science publications. The fielding of international comparative surveys entails adhering to a set of common standards. In this respect, not only must there be standardised survey instruments, there must also be a harmonisation of the entire design and implementation of the fieldwork within a common international survey design. Consequently, international collaborative networks influence both the focus and methodology of Czech social science research.
The language of the workshop is English.
Event is free of charge but is only for registered participants. Please, register before 26th November 2017. Note that the number of attendees is limited, and therefore the principle of first come - first served will be applied.
The organisation of the workshop is supported from European Structural and Investments Funds, Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, project reg. No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001796.