
Name Kečkéšová Zuzana
Position Head of the Junior Research Group
Zuzana Kečkéšová

Zuzana Kečkéšová, Ph.D.

Head of Junior Research Group

Zuzana Kečkéšová Research Group
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS
Flemingovo nám. 2, CZ-166 10 Prague 6, Czech Republic

☎: (+420) 220 183 584


2003-2007 Ph.D. in infectious disease and immunity. University College London, London, United Kingdom (Advisors: Prof. Greg Towers and Prof. Robin Weiss). Thesis: A study of host factors influencing retroviral infectivity.
1998-2003 M.Sc. in molecular biology, genetic engineering and virology at the Faculty of Sciences, Charles University in Prague (Advisor: Dr. Jitka Forstová).
2008-2016 Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Whitehead Institute, Cambridge, USA (Advisor: Prof. Robert Weinberg).
Topic 1: Molecular networks governing normal and cancer stem cell identity.
Topic 2: Metabolic processes governing cancer stem cell differentiation and tissue tropism.
2005-2006 (10 months) Ph.D. Internship, Columbia University, New York, USA (Advisor: Prof. Steve Goff).
Topic: The role of post-translational modifications in the biology of retroviral restriction factors.
since Oct 2017 Head of Junior Research Group at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS, Prague.
Dec 2016-Sept 2017 Research Scientist, Laboratory of Dr. Jan Konvalinka. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS, Prague.
Funding and Awards
since 2018 EMBO Installation Grant
since 2018 GACR Junior Grant
2015 Whitehead Institute Appreciation Award 2015 for excellent mentorship
2013-2015 Department of Defense, US Army, 2-year Breast Cancer Postdoctoral Grant
2010-2013 Department of Defense, US Army, 3-year Breast Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship
2010-2012 1st , 3rd, and 2nd Prize in Whitehead Zeiss Science Photo Contest
2010 1st Prize in Whitehead Institute Poster Competition
2010 Whitehead Institute Spirit Award 2010 for outstanding team work and mentorship
2010 Qiagen Award 1st prize for best Ph.D. presentation
2004-2006 Graduate School Research Scholarships (3 years, United Kingdom)
2005 Charlotte and Yule Bogue Fellowship (United Kingdomn)
2004 Stipend from Cold Spring Harbor Conference fund and stipend from Microbiology Society UK
2004 Overseas Research Scholarship (United Kingdom)
2000 Chosen to represent Slovak Republic at London International Youth Science Forum