new publication
21.08.2018The Institute of Archaeology would like to announce publication of a new book: J. Militký: Keltské mincovnictví ve 3. a 2. století před Kristem (LT B2 až LT C) v Čechách / Keltisches Münzwesen im 3. und 2. Jahrhundert vor Christus /LT B2 bis LT C/ in Böhmen
The publication focuses on Celtic mint in Bohemia during the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. Altogether, 715 coins have been collected, catalogued and arranged according to their typology, and in the case of imported coins, they have been included in an overall catalogue of such finds from the territory of Bohemia. The book presents an entirely new view on the beginnings and earlier phase of coinage in Bohemia, taking into account the situation along the Jantar Trail, i.e. in the area between Silesia and Austrian Danube region.
Tender for the position of archaeologist

Tender for the position of archaeologist – foreign scholar under the frame of International Mobility of Researchers
Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, v.v.i. seeks to employ a foreign scholar under the frame of International Mobility of Researchers, for the duration of 8 moths.
Summer opening hours of the Library

In the summer, the Library of the Institute shall be closed to the public in the following terms: from July 2nd to July 4th, 2018, and from July 16th to August 12th, 2018.
new issue of Archeologické rozhledy: 2018/2018

New issue of Archeologické rozhledy journal has been published: 2018/01.
Cover: PDF