Most of macroscopic properties of solids at low temperatures is determined by valence electrons and their interactions. The microscopic behavior of electrons is governed by the laws of quantum mechanics, while the electron gas on macroscopic distances may mostly be characterized by classical thermodynamics. Long-range quantum coherence due to electron correlations may, however, lead to macroscopically observable effects and emergence of macroscopic quantum states such as magnetism or superconductivity. We search for the microscopic origin of various macroscopic quantum phenomena and quantum phase transitions and aim at developing their microscopic description in terms of many-body Green functions consistent with macroscopic constraints due to the global symmetry and conservation laws.
People involved (alphabetically):
fzu [dot] cz (Václav Janiš),
fzu [dot] cz (Jindřich Kolorenč),
fzu [dot] cz (Vladislav Pokorný)
Representative publications:
V. Janiš, A. Kauch, and V. Pokorný: Thermodynamically consistent description of criticality in models of correlated electrons, Phys. Rev. B 95, 045108 (2017).
V. Janiš and J. Kolorenč: Conserving approximations for response functions of the Fermi gas in a random potential, Eur. Phys. J. B 89, 170 (2016).