A new anticorrosion strategy for Zr nuclear fuel claddings will be presented and explained. The dissertation deals with a protection of zirconium (Zr) nuclear fuel cladding material against corrosion in water-cooled nuclear reactors by coating by polycrystalline diamond (PCD) or chromium-aluminum-silicon nitrate (CrAlSiN) layers. It was shown that Zr alloy surfaces can be effectively protected against oxygen and hydrogen uptake at both accident and working temperatures in water-cooled nuclear reactor environments by coating the Zr surface by PCD layer or CrAlSiN each in specific way and for...
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Semináře a workshopy oddělení 28
Minulé semináře a workshopy
Oddělení analýzy funkčních materiálů (28)
Krátké zprávy
FZÚ v médiích
21.století, 24.7.2018.
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Reportáž České televize ze zahájení...
Česká televize ČT24, 2.7.2018.
Ve výzkumném centru ELI...
Akademie věd ČR, 18.6.2018.
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