Completed project

Participation, Democracy and Citizenship in the Czech Republic and International Comparison

Project duration: 
2003 - 2005

An international comparative quantitative survey was conducted as a part of the project. The project also examines legal norms and definitions of the excercise of civil and political rights today and historically, describes the fromation of a political identity, explores basic reasons for the passivity of individuals and social groups, and studies basic socio-demographic and attitusinal characteristics of active and passive social groups.

Grant agency: 
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)

Project publications (total 27, displaying 1 - 10)

Rakušanová, Petra, Lenka Václavíková-Helšusová

Building on an analysis of current empirical surveys the chapter focuses on mapping and analyzing the inclusion of women in politics in the Czech Republic. The main objective is to study the reasons for the low representation of women in political functions in the Czech Republic. It concentrates primarily on institutional, individual and social barriers to women’s entry into political functions. The paper also goes on to map the existing activities supporting women in politics.

gender, civil society, politics (and political attitudes)
Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Krejčí, Jindřich

The ISSP is an international programme of annual questionnaire surveys organised for purposes of longitudinal comparative social research. The article informs on actual contents of the programme, methodology, organisational issues, Czech participation in surveys and accessibility of data.

methodology, sociological data
Czech Social Science Data Archive
Type of publication:
Non-peer-reviewed article
Rakušanová, Petra, Blanka Řeháková

This study focuses on the relationship between participation and citizenship and their influence on the formation and functioning of effective representative democracy. In the first part of the study the authors introduce the theoretical framework they apply to their study of democracy, participation and citizenship.

civil society, public policy
Political Sociology
Type of publication:
Rakušanová, Petra

This study focuses on the relationship between participation and citizenship and their influence on the formation and functioning of effective representative democracy. In the first part of the study the authors introduce the theoretical framework they apply to their study of democracy, participation and citizenship.

civil society, public policy
Political Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Rakušanová, Petra

This study focuses on the relationship between participation and citizenship and their influence on the formation and functioning of effective representative democracy. In the first part of the study the authors introduce the theoretical framework they apply to their study of democracy, participation and citizenship.

trust/social cohesion, civil society, public policy
Political Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Řeháková, Blanka, Petra Rakušanová

This study focuses on the relationship between participation and citizenship and their influence on the formation and functioning of effective representative democracy. In the first part of the study the authors introduce the theoretical framework they apply to their study of democracy, participation and citizenship.

civil society, sociological data
Political Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Linek, Lukáš

This study analyses the reasons behind the low electoral participation and behind voter mobility, and looks at the consequences these changes hold for the electoral gains of individual parties. Using data for the Czech Republic the author indicates some socio-demographic factors and some political attitudes that can be linked to electoral participation and highlights some of the factors that cause voters to participate less in elections.

EU, politics (and political attitudes), elections (and polls)
Political Sociology
Type of publication:
Rakušanová, Petra, Barbora Stašková

This study explores why the third sector is an important agent for promoting civic participation and interest representation. The empirical evidence presented in a first part of the study is organized using an analytical typology based on two key criteria: (a) type of organizational structure evident within specific non-governmental actors and (b) the organisational composition of the entire third sector in the Czech Republic.

civil society, public policy
Political Sociology
Type of publication:
Rakušanová, Petra

This study explores why the third sector is an important agent for promoting civic participation and interest representation. The empirical evidence presented in a first part of the study is organized using an analytical typology based on two key criteria: (a) type of organizational structure evident within specific non-governmental actors and (b) the organisational composition of the entire third sector in the Czech Republic.

civil society, public policy
Political Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Rakušanová, Petra, Barbora Stašková

This study explores why the third sector is an important agent for promoting civic participation and interest representation. The empirical evidence presented in a first part of the study is organized using an analytical typology based on two key criteria: (a) type of organizational structure evident within specific non-governmental actors and (b) the organisational composition of the entire third sector in the Czech Republic.

civil society, public policy
Political Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph


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