Project Description |
The main goal of the proposed joint research project is to
After a preliminary analysis of procedures and means, which the Nazi regime used for targeted intervention in the area of staff composition in academia, the project shall focus mainly on producing the first well-documented collective biographic (prosopographic) research. Such research is a necessary precondition for adequately commemorating the victims of Nazi persecution from the ranks of the academic community, and that regardless of their national, political, religious, or professional identity.
In original Czech academic production, such work is still missing. One can rely only on partial case studies, overviews, or commemorative articles. We wish to emphasise the bilingual, Czech-English character of the output. This should substantively contribute to a commemoration of victims of Nazi persecution from the ranks of the academic community both here and outside the current borders of the Czech Republic, and make it possible for the document to serve as basis for a comparison with international experience. A monograph containing biographic sketches and photographs of individual victims should serve not only as a dignified commemoration of their fate at the occasion of 70th anniversary of occupation, but also emphasise the consequences of the forced closing of Czech universities in 1939. In addition to these publications, we plan to present the results of our research in seminars and lectures. For the year 2007, this project was awarded a one-time grant of the Czech Council for the Victims of Nazism. |