Logica 2018 accepted papers
Holger Andreas. Prioritised Remainder Sets: A Simple Approach to Iterated Belief Base Revision
Pavel Arazim. Changing one's logic
Joan Bertran-San Millán. From Begriffsschrift to Grundlagen: the adoption of the distinction between concept and object
Constantin Brîncuş and Iulian Toader. Categoricity and the Elimination of Negation
Ivano Ciardelli. Applying Kripke modalities to questions
Serena Delli. Are 'combinatorial proofs' actually proofs?
Jon Dunn. Logics as Tools
Federico L. G. Faroldi. Responsibility and Its Truthmakers
Claudia Fernández-Fernández and Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada. A formal model for explicit knowledge as awareness of plus awareness that
Norbert Gratzl and Eugenio Orlandelli. Classical Logic as Single Conclusion
Daichi Hayashi. Faithful relative truth-definability and a non-reductive account of type-free truth
Levin Hornischer. A Logic of State Spaces
Daniel Kaplan. An Inferential Role Semantics for Bilateralists
Dominik Klein and Rasmus K. Rendsvig. On Kripke Models, Metrics and Dynamical Systems
Dominik Klein and Frederik Van De Putte. Pointwise intersection in neighborhood modal logic
Ansten Klev. The name of the sinus function
Sergei Odintsov. Twist structure semantics for Fisher Servi's version of Belnapian modal logic
Ivo Pezlar. Non-constructive procedural theory of problems
Martin Pleitz. Dualism About Generality
Tomasz Połacik. A Characterization of Classically Archetypal Rules
Shuhei Shimamura. A First-Order Sequent Calculus for Logical Inferentialists and Expressivists
Anthia Solaki. A dynamic epistemic logic for resource-bounded agents
Damian Szmuc. Aboutness in Non-Classical Theories
Bruno Whittle. Truth and Generalized Quantification
Kaibo Xie. Belief and Causality in the Epistemic Reading of Counterfactuals
Antonio Yuste-Ginel and Alfredo Burrieza. A formal analysis of the notion of preference between deductive arguments