Ernst Schäfer (1910-1992) byl německý zoolog, sběratel přírodnin a cestovatel známý zejména díky třem průkopnickým výpravám do Tibetu, území, kam se přírodovědci prakticky nedostali až do druhé poloviny 20. století. Třetí expedice z let 1938-39 je poněkud kontroverzní, neboť se stala součástí nacistické propagandy a její cíle nebyly čistě jen vědecké.
V článku použitá a citovaná literatura:
Abs M., Eckhoff; P., Fiebig J. & Frahnert S., 2010.The bird collections in the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin resulting from Ernst Schäfer's three expeditions to Tibet and Sikkim. Zoosystematics and Evolution 86(1): 49–80.
Allen G. M., 1937. Second preliminary report on the results of the second Dolan expedition to West China and Tibet: A new race of Ochotona. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 89: 341-342.
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Damaschun F., Hackethal S., Landsberg H. & Leinfelder R., 2010. Klasse, Ordnung, Art – 200 Jahre Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. Museums für Naturkunde, Berlin, 334 str.
Engelhardt I., 2007. Tibet in 1938-1939. Photographs from the Ernst Schäfer Expedition to Tibet. Serindia, Chicago, 260 str.
González J. M., 2010. Ernst Schäfer (1910-1992) – from the mountains of Tibet to the Northern Cordillera of Venezuela: a biographical sketch. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 159: 83-96.
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Meyer de Schauensee R., 1937. First preliminary report on the results of the second Dolan expedition to West China and Tibet: Two new birds from Tibet. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 89: 339-340.
Niu Y., Wei F., Li M., Liu X. & Feng Z., 2004. Phylogeny of pikas (Lagomorpha, Ochotona) inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences. Folia Zoologica 53(2): 141-155.
Nowak E., 2005. Wissenschaftler in turbulenten Zeiten. Stock & Stein, Schwerin, 432 str.
Ropiquet A. & Hassanin A., 2006. Hybrid origin of the Pliocene ancestor of wild goats. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 41: 395–404.
Sax B., 2003. Zvířata ve Třetí říši. Domácí mazlíčci, obětní beránci a holocaust. Dokořán, Praha, 256 str.
Schäfer E., 1937. Third preliminary report on the results of the second Dolan expedition to West China and Tibet: Four new birds from Tibet. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 89: 385-386.
Vaurie Ch., 1954. Systematic notes on Palearctic birds. No. 12 Ploceidae: Muscicapinae, Hirundinidae, and Sturnidae. American Museum Novitates 1694: 1-18.
Vaurie Ch., 1956. Systematic notes on Palearctic birds. No. 24 Ploceidae: the genera Passer, Petronia, and Montifringilla. American Museum Novitates 1814: 1-27.
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Vaurie Ch., 1972. Tibet and its birds. Witherby, London, 407 str.
Wilson D.E. & Reeder D.-A.M., 2005. Mammal species of the World. A taxonomic and geographic reference, 3rd edn. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
Ernst Schäfer (1910–92) was a German zoologist, collector and explorer who is primarily known for his three pioneering expeditions to Tibet, which was virtually closed to science well into the second half of the 20th century. The third expedition, in 1938–39, was rather controversial as it became a part of Nazi propaganda and its goals were not purely scientific.