Výtvarná soutěž Věda je krásná se během své devítileté existence rozrostla do řady kategorií a stala se tak přístupnou nejen profesionálním přírodovědcům, ale prakticky všem, kdo vnímají kouzlo, jímž nás dokáže příroda obdařit. This competition run by the Faculty of Science of the Charles University in Prague and its supportive website www.prirodovedci.cz aims to show the beauty and aesthetics revealed by scientific research, either by photography, illustrations or computerized visualizations of natural phenomena (www.vedajekrasna.cz).

The Science is Beautiful art competition has grown over its 9 years of existence to include several categories and thus to be­come accessible not only to professional natural scientists, but also to practically everybody who notices the magic that na­ture can bestow upon us. This competition run by the Faculty of Science at Charles University in Prague and its website www.prirodovedci.cz aims to show the aesthetics revealed by scientific research, either by photography, illustrations or computerized visualizations of natural phenomena (www.vedajekrasna.cz).