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Project: Atmospheric influence on free space optic links attenuation with regard to turbulences and wind impact
The specific objectives of the project are complete mathematical models describing the propagation of the optical signal through real atmosphere with different types of hydrometeors and other atmospheric phenomena effecting attenuation on FSO links (fog, rain, snow and wind turbulence are described by different parameters). Long-term measurement attenuation of free space optical links will be compared with models based on knowledge of relevant meteorological parameters. It describes the statistics of attenuation of optical links, diurnal variations, etc. FSO link attenuation measurement will be performed at two wavelengths (830 and 1550 nm). Theoretical formulas estimating the FSO attenuation will be derived while the input parameter are the relevant meteorological parameters. All these goals we intend to meet by the end of the project, ie until November 2015.
Funded by: MŠMT. LD13036
Duration: 2013-2015
Investigator: Fišer, O.
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