
   Tuesday, May 24  
 12.00 registration
 13.15 opening
    chair of the afternoon session: J. Peregrin

W. deVries: Millikan vs. Sellars on the Normativity of Language


L. Shapiro: Sellars on Semantical Rules and the Meaning of 'Means'


S. Levine: The Tenability of Sellars' Naturalism with a Normative Turn


coffee break


R. Stöckle-SchobelIn a strange forest on a dark night – Sellarsian Concept Learning defended against Nativism


P. Olen: Meaning and Frameworks: Sellars on Ryle and Inner Episodes


P. Redding: Wilfrid Sellars's Disambiguation of Kant's “Intuition” and its Relevance


coffee break


Invited Lecture 
Normativity and Nature: Prospects for a Stereoscopic View

   Wednesday, May 25  
    chair of the morning session: L. Shapiro
 9.00 J. Wanderer: 'Styles of Thinking' and the Expansion of Normative Space

L. Medici: Norms and their place in nature: Foundations for a synoptic theory of intentionality


coffee break


M. Kiesselbach: How meaning is like value: Brandomian thoughts on the institution of normative statuses


J. P. LivingstonIntuition and Inference


coffee break


Invited Lecture 
R. BRANDOM: Modal expressivism and modal realism: together again


lunch break

    chair of the afternoon session: P. Redding

R. Kukla and M. Lance: Talking to yourself and hearing others’ thoughts: why neither means you are insane


C. Sachs: Intentionality Relational and Non-Relational: Sellars and Merleau-Ponty contra McDowell


coffee break


P. Stovall: Being as We Ought: Rule-Following, Language-Use, and Persons


B. Prien: The Relation between Norms and Patterns of Behavioral Dispositions


coffee break


M. Okrent: Instrumental Norms and the Institution of Semantic Meaning


E. Begby: Lexical Norms, Language Comprehension, and the Epistemology of Testimony


 Thursday, May 26

    chair of the morning session: M. Lance
 9.00 T. Hříbek: Semantic Normativity and Supervenience

P. Steiner: The normativity of meaning and the ontlogical status of conceptual mental episodes. Reassessing Sellars’ behaviorism


J. Woodbridge: Meaning attribution, normativity, and pretense


coffee break


D. Laurier: What does intentional normativism require?


J. Klimczyk: Taking It Seriously: Norm-Relativity, Normativity of Meaning and Rationality


coffee break


Invited Lecture
Meaning, Use and Normativity


free afternoon


conference banquet


 Friday, May 26

    chair of the morning session: P. Steiner
 9.00 A. Brokes: The Closure Debate, The Meaning of ‘Implication’, and Epistemology as Spectator-activity

D. Porello: Dialogue Games and Incompatibility Semantics


coffee break


G. Turbanti: A logic for "causal modalities"


F. Knappik: On the Role of Explanatory Relations in Inferentialist Semantics


coffee break


Invited Lecture
A third conception of the normativity of meaning


lunch break

    chair of the afternoon session: V. Svoboda

D. Lauer: Anti-Normativism and the Fraud With "Ought": On the Normativity of Constitutive Rules


T. Pritzlaff: The Normativity of Doxastic and Discursive Updating


coffee break


U. Hlobil: Defending the normativity of meaning


J. Peregrin: Society as the source of the normativity of meaning

05-10-2013 18:08:32