Development and application of fiber-based endoscopes for minimally invasive deep live tissue imaging in neuroscience and immunology
Job Information
Job Title: PhD student/ postdoc
Discipline: Applied Physics / Bio-Medical engineering/ Fiber optics/ endoscopes
Positions available from: immediately
Development and application of fiber-based endoscopes for minimally invasive deep
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Project "Holographic endoscopy for in vivo applications" proj. n.: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000476
Time-dependent fields in optical fibres
Job Information
Job Title: PhD student
Positions available from: immediately
The PhD student will initially learn the fiber optics methods, measurement of the transformation matrix, creation of required input states using spatial light modulator (SLM) and imaging by the fiber. Then he/she will focus on the time response of the fiber based on measurement of the frequency dependence of the transformation matrix. The result will be used to generate pulses with specific properties that behave in the fiber in the desired way. Based on this knowledge, the student will try to develop new spectroscopic methods using optical fibers.
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Project "Holographic endoscopy for in vivo applications" proj. n.: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000476
Non-linear microscopy through a multimode fiber endoscope
Job Information
Job Title: PhD student
Positions available from: immediately
In this project we aim to implement multi-photon fluorescence and non-linear Raman microscopy (SRS or CARS) at the end of a multimode fiber endoscope. Initially, the student will study the frequency dependent light transmission in graded index fibers (experiments and theory), with the aim to allow delivery of femtosecond pulses with a specific chirp to the imaging area.
Once this is achieved, we will apply this to multi-photon imaging and investigate the possibility of non-linear Raman imaging. We will evaluate which method (SRS or CARS) is more suitable for imaging through a multimode fiber. Towards the end of the project we hope to demonstrate label-free non-linear imaging in tissue. This has potential use in diagnosing tumours in situ without performing a biopsy.
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Project "Holographic endoscopy for in vivo applications" proj. n.: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000476
Advanced applied microscopy through a multimode fiber endoscope
Job Information
Job Title: PhD student
Positions available form: Immediately
In this project the student will work on advanced applied microscopy through a multimode fiber. Possible avenues are linear Raman imaging for label-free imaging with chemical contrast at the tip of a fiber, further developing existing methods for fiber-based light-sheet imaging using specialized probes, and possibly combining this with Raman spectroscopy.
Imaging with chemical contrast has potential use in, for example, diagnosing tumours in situ without performing a biopsy and imaging lipid distribution in cells (relevant for cell metabolism and related disease conditions). The student will collaborate with researcher working with in-vivo imaging, delivering solutions for their imaging needs, as well as with researcher developing technology for various imaging modalities.
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Project "Holographic endoscopy for in vivo applications" proj. n.: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000476
Multiphoton and non-linear Raman microscopy through a multimode fiber
Job Information
Job Title: PhD student
Positions available form: Immediately
In this project we aim to implement multi-photon fluorescence and non-linear Raman microscopy (SRS or CARS) at the end of a multimode fiber endoscope. Initially, the student will study the frequency dependent light transmission in graded index fibers (experiments and theory), with the aim to allow delivery of femtosecond pulses with a specific chirp to the imaging area.
Once this is achieved, we will apply this to multi-photon imaging and investigate the possibility of non-linear Raman imaging. We will evaluate which method (SRS or CARS) is more suitable for imaging through a multimode fiber. Towards the end of the project we hope to demonstrate label-free non-linear imaging in tissue. This has potential use in diagnosing tumours in situ without performing a biopsy.
More information here
Project "Holographic endoscopy for in vivo applications" proj. n.: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000476