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Mapping the electrostatic force field of single molecules from high-resolution scanning probe images

Prokop Hapala1, Martin Švec1, Oleksandr Stetsovych1, Martin Ondráček1, Pingo Mutombo1 & Pavel Jelínek1 Nadine J. van der Heijden2, Joost van der Lit2 & Ingmar Swart2

How electronic charge is distributed over a molecule determines to a large extent its chemical properties. Here, we demonstrate how the electrostatic force field, originating from the inhomogeneous charge distribution in a molecule, can be measured with submolecular resolution. We exploit the fact that distortions typically observed in high-resolution atomic force microscopy images are for a significant part caused by the electrostatic force acting between charges of the tip and the molecule of interest. By finding a geometrical transformation between two high-resolution AFM images acquired with two different tips, the electrostatic force field or potential over individual molecules and self-assemblies thereof can be reconstructed with submolecular resolution.

Determining the electrostatic field above an individual molecule. (a) High-pass filtered constant-height AFM images of a TOAT molecule on Cu(111) acquired with a Xe tip. Crosses indicate characteristic vertices. (b) Same as a but measured with a CO tip. (c) electrostatic force field calculated from DFT. (d) experimentally determined electrostatic force field obtained after subtraction of the van der Waals component from the deformation field obtained from the images shown in a and b. (e) calculated Hartree potential; (f) electrostatic potential calculated from the experimental deformation field shown in (d).

1Department of Thin Films and Nanostructures, Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Cukrovarnická 10, 162 00 Prague, Czech Republic
2Department of Chemistry, Condensed Matter and Interfaces, Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science, Utrecht University, PO Box 80 000, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands