Radio Praha in English, 4.5.2018.
Experts from the Institute of...
Ebsco is a multidisciplinary full text digital library. Part of this collection is permanent, while part may change over the course of time. Users
who have not set up their own database account may search for and read books on-line, and save, print or send by e-mail selected parts
(a maximum of 100 pages). Users must set up an account (free) to download complete books onto their device. The loan period amounts to seven days and
the reader may loan a maximum of 50 books at any one time.
It provides e-books with physics, astronomy, mathematics, chemistry, engineering, etc. The final results can be refined by subject.
It is comprehensive on-line collection of journals, books and reference materials in the areas of science, technology and medicine. E-books and
articles could be downloaded in pdf.
Springer materials - Landolt-Börnstein Database
It is the largest and the most comprehensive database offering information about materials, their properties and their use. It includes all the
Landolt-Börnstein New Series, the largest compilation of physics and chemistry data since 1883, and a number of other unique and specialized
Taylor and Francis
It provides access to selected e-books about science and technology of publishers Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, Routledge etc. on a new platform for
one year. After that, will be purchased the most used e-books with the right of permanent access.
List of available titles here.
Publisher offers full-texts of journals and e-books from different scientific disciplines. Available sources are marked with logo of an open lock.
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein
The Pontifical Academy of Sciences - Acta
Kramerius – Digital Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences
It is a collection of digitalised periodicals and monographs from the Czech Academy of Sciences and its historical precursors. Complete bibliographic
details and parts of documents that are no longer subject to copyright are freely available. Image data from documents subject to copyright is
available only on a reserved computer in the study of the Library CAS.
DML - Czech Digital Mathematics Library
The Czech Digital Mathematics Library has been developed in order to preserve in a digital form the content of major part of mathematical literature
that has ever been published in the Czech lands, and to provide a free access to the digital content and bibliographical data.
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