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News older than one year.

Field work of members of the International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy in Uzbekistan for redefinition of the global stratotype (GSSP) of the basal Emsian boundary

In August 2015, Ladislav Slavík and Aneta Hušková took part in fieldwork under the auspices of the International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy in Tien-Shan Mountains in Uzbekistan. The main task of the small international team of specialists was resampling of the geological section in Zinzilban Gorge for obtaining new data for future redefinition of the international stratotype (GSSP) of the basal Emsian boundary. We have taken around 150 kg samples for biostratigraphy, which will be shipped and then processed in three laboratories (University of Valencia, RAS Novosibirsk and Institute of Geology).

Study of the Permian tropical forest in Inner Mongolia, China

Two scientists of the Institute, Jiří Bek and Jana Frojdová, participated in international excavations of Permian tropical forests at the Wuda site, Inner Mongolia, China. The tropical forest was buried by volcanic ash and all plants are preserved in their original growth positions. The team excavated a large area of over one square kilometre, which yielded rich material of Permian plants, finds as large as several metres, and even whole fossil plants.

Description of a new species of calciphilous Cortinarius from the Bohemian Karst

Biogeochemist Jan Borovička participated in the description of a new macrofungal species named Cortinarius prodigiosus. This beautifully colored species occurs on xerothermic stands on Ca-rich soils and has been reported, among others, from several sites in the Bohemian Karst. The paper was published in the Mycological Progress journal.

For complete information see here.

Pre-conference field trip of the 31st Meeting of the IAS (International Association of Sedimentologists)

The 31st IAS Meeting (International Association of Sedimentologists) took place in Cracow (Poland) in late June 2015. The pre-conference field trip (20-22 June, 2015) focused on sedimentary evolution and trace fossils of Lower Carboniferous turbidite systems in the Variscan foreland in Moravia and Silesia. The trip leaders Ondřej Bábek (Palacký University, Olomouc), Radek Mikuláš (Institute of Geology CAS, Prague) and Daniel Šimíček (Palacký University, Olomouc) presented a dozen of large, either natural or artificial outcrops in the Culm Facies including their ichnofabrics and trace fossils.

A successful journal rating of the Bulletin of Geosciences

The recently announced Impact Factors for 2014 showed an increase in the IF of the Bulletin of Geosciences to
1.515. At the moment, it is the 5th best rated journal in the Czech Republic and the 13th best rated
palaeontological journal world-wide. This success was also contributed by members of the Editorial Board – staff
members of the Institute of Geology CAS, v.v.i. (Jindřich Hladil, Ladislav Slavík, Petr Štorch, Jan Wagner and
Jaroslav Zajíc).

Wild Nature of Prague

The Academia publishing house recently released a rather unusual guidebook of Prague, titled “Divoká příroda Prahy” (Nature wilderness of Prague). “It offers a completely different perspective of the city, searching for nature that develops spontaneously, with limited human interference”, says geologist Radek Mikuláš, one of the authors.
Click here for an interview including an audio recording fot the English broadcast of the "Radio Praha".

A field trip for the public - outcrops in Silurian and Devonian sedimentary rocks

During the Spring Science Weeks of the Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Geology organized several field trips for the public. On June 2, Silurian and Devonian rocks in the neighbourhood of Praha-Řeporyje were demonstrated by geologist Radek Mikuláš to students of the Primary School of Roudnice nad Labem.

Photo gallery

Radek Mikuláš in the Meteor radio programme

The recently published book “Wild Nature of Prague and its Close Surroundings” is authored by geologist Radek Mikuláš and botanist J.A. Šturma. In this book, the authors explain that the “wild nature” develops rather spontaneously, regardless of human intentions. This may happen in the mountains as well as in an abandoned quarry, or on a slope afforested a hundred years ago. Such a slope in the Barrandov city district, vegetated by a wild forest, was visited by the authors, accompanied by – somewhat surprised – newsmen from the Czech Radio.
The recorded broadcast is here (in Czech)

The Radek Melka Prize for the best paper of the CETeG 2015 Conference awarded to Filip Tomek

     At the 13th Meeting of the Central European Tectonic Groups (CeTeG), Filip Tomek received
     the Radek Melka Prize for his paper “Magma flow paths and strain patterns in magma chambers
     growing by floor subsidence: a model based on magnetic fabric study of shallow-level plutons in
     the Štiavnica volcano–plutonic complex, Western Carpathians” published in the Bulletin of
     Volcanology last year. Filip Tomek is a PhD. student working for the Institute of Geology of the
     CAS. This study revealed complex magma flow patterns and mechanisms of magma chamber
     construction on the example of the Štiavnica stratovolcano, Western Carpathians.
                                                        See the illustration figure here.

Exhibition of palaeontological and anthropological reconstructions opened at Nový Jičín

     An exhibition named "Journeys to prehistory or In the footsteps of Zdeněk Burian" will be
     displayed in the New Gallery of the Žerotín Chateau at Nový Jičín from 12 May to 6 September
     2015. The palaeontological and anthropological reconstructions are authored by Jaroslav Bažant,
     Pavel Dvorský, Petr Modlitba, Jiří Svoboda and Jiří Teichmann.
     See the exhibition poster in Czech here.