TYDEN.CZ, 2.10.2018.
Francouz Gérard Mourou, jeden ze tří...
Cryogenic Engineering has for a long time been identified as a key technology in the missions of CEA for fundamental research activities. Particle Physics, Astrophysics, Magnetic and Inertial Fusion are fields of Physics which need complex Equipments or Infrastructures (LHC and future upgrade, Tore Supra, JT60-SA, ITER, LMJ, Hiper, Herschel, Planck, and in the future Ixo, Spica and the cryogenic missions in Cosmic Vision 1 and 2), where cryogenics is one of the key issues. In this context, SBT targets to serve the national and international research community by providing expertise, unique prototypes and specifically designed devices building upon the know-how derived from 50 years of cryogenic engineering.
In order to fulfil its general mission and objectives, SBT is technically involved in three major topics: (i) refrigeration, (ii) cryogenic distribution to the end users (detector, superconducting magnet, cryogenic target…) and (iii) development of advanced cryostats.