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Short news

The former head of the Department of Dielectrics, dr. Jan Petzelt, was awarded a prestigious award of the scientific community. During the recent international scientific symposium in Darmstadt (ECAPD-ISAF-PFM 2016, 21-15.8.2016), he became the first holder of the newly created Award of the ECAPD International Committee. He was recognized for his lifelong contribution to...

Jan Řidký, director of the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, describes the science potential of a high-power international laser facility nearing completion in the Czech Republic

On February 11th, 2016 announced the scientific collaboration of the laser interferometer LIGO, located in the USA, that they have successfully observed gravitational waves, which most likely originated from a merger of two black holes. The article in Physical Review Letters journals, describing this ground-breaking observation, is available for download at the link:


Researches from the Institute of Physics CAS (Laboratory of Functional Nanointerfaces and Laboratory of Carbon Nanostructures) developed a simple two-step approach how to control size and purity of HPHT nanodiamonds down to 1 nm from commercially available product by means of air annealing and centrifugation. Characterization and visualization of such small nanodiamonds by Raman spectroscopy...

The newsletter will try to keep you informed periodically about the achievements in the implementation of ELI's research pillars, about the scientific and technological highlights of our research infrastructure, the ELI related scientific events, and about the extraordinary user research opportunities at ELI.

President of the the Czech Academy of Sciences prof. J. Drahoš awarded the Ernst Mach Honorary Medal for Merit in Physical Sciences to prof. Alexander Lichtenstein on October 8th, 2015. The nomination of prof. Lichtenstein was prepared by the Institute of Physics CAS.

Prof. Alexander Lichtenstein is a world leading expert in the theory of magnetism in solids. The microscopic description of the solid state magnetic properties is based on the...

Aliaksei Vetushka was awarded “physica status solidi – Young Researcher Award” at the 26th International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Solids (ICANS 26), which was held from 13th to 18th September in Aachen, Germany. The conference contribution titled “Design of electrical junctions by self-assembled monolayer of carborane-thiols dipoles” is a results of the joint research of the authors from Institute...

Inside the latest issue of ELI Beamlines Newsletter (No. 11) you may find the information about the L4 – a top-class laser system, the news from the ELI Beamlines research team, or the interviews with scientists Roberto Ziano and Robert L. Byer.

Newsletter (with many articles in English) can be downloaded here:

New strategy how to protect zirconium alloys surface against undesirable oxidation in nuclear reactors by polycrystalline diamond film was patented: Czech patent 305059 :Layer protecting the surface of zirconium alloys used in nuclear reactors and PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) Layer for protecting surface of zirconium alloys, Patent Number: WO2015039636-A1.

A team of Czech scientists and engineers have been working on a new technology for coating Zirconium...

Thibault Derrien, a research fellow from the HiLASE Centre, has been granted a prestigious individual Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship from the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission.

The details on the HiLASE project website.
