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ELI Beamlines Scientific Challenges 2015

Pondělí, 19.10.2015 08:00 - Pátek, 23.10.2015 08:00

Místo: Eli Building Dolní Břežany a Štiřín Castle 5. května 835, Dolní Brežany (ELI), Ringhofferova 711, Kamenice (Štiřín Castle)
Jazyk: anglicky
Pořadatelé: Sekce realizace projektu ELI Beamlines

The ELI Beamlines Scientific Challenges 2015 meeting will be held in the new building of ELI Beamlines and in the nearby very scenic baroque Štiřín Castle. We will combine the conference with a prospective user meeting to introduce the experimental capabilities of the facility and to get feedback on user needs concerning experimental capabilities and organizational support.

Together with people from scientific communities, industry and representatives from politics we will be celebrating the Grand Opening of our new ELI Beamlines building.

Detailed information on the website of the ELI Beamlines project.