A new link between stress response and nucleolar function during pollen development in Arabidopsis mediated by AtREN1 protein
Reňák D., Gibalová A., Šolcová K., Honys D.PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 37 : 670-683 , 2014
Keywords: heat shock response; heat shock transcription factor; male gametophyte development; nucleolus; pollen
Exogenous supply of glutamine and active cytokinin to the roots reduces NO3 uptake rates in poplar
Dluzniewska, P.; Gessler, A.; Kopriva, S.; Strnad, Miroslav; Novák, Ondřej; Dietrich, H.PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 29 [7] : 1284-1297 , 2006
Keywords: amino acids; N cycling; trans-zeatin riboside