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Galvanomagnetic phenomena in random alloys: the first-principles approach

Úterý, 26.06.2012 15:00

Přednášející: Josef Kudrnovský* (odd. teorie kondenzovaných látek, FZÚ AV ČR, v.v.i.)
Místo: Na Slovance, přednáškový sál v přízemí
Jazyk: anglicky
Pořadatelé: Oddělení teorie kondenzovaných látek
Abstract: We present first-principles study of transport quantities of metallic ferromagnets developed in the framework of the fully relativistic tight-binding linear muffin-tin orbital method. The approach is based on the Kubo-Greenwood-Středa formula for the conductivity tensor, on the coherent potential approximation for random alloys, and on the concept of interatomic electron transport. We apply developed formalism to estimate the anisotropic magnetoresistance and the anomalous Hall effect for the following systems: (i) transition metal ferromagnets (Fe, Co, Ni); (ii) random Ni-based ferromagnetic alloys (Ni-Fe, Ni-Co, Ni-Mn); and the partially ordered Pd-rich PdFe alloys with the Cu3Au-lattice structure. A reasonable agreement with available experimental data is found.

* in collaboration with I. Turek and V. Drchal