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CrysTBox - News

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2018-06-22 CrysTBox has spread to 70 countries
2017-10-09 Workshop: Three-day workshop on how to squeeze maximum out of CrysTBox, The University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa.
2017-07-07 New version - CrysTBox Server 1.10 (build 0064) - full information available here
  • new tool ifaceViewer: interface visualization tool
  • new tool twoBeamGUI: tool for estimation of TEM sample thickness
  • new tool gpaGUI: implementation of Geometric Phase Analysis
  • several features added
2017-07-07 New paper - M. Klinger. More features, more tools, more CrysTBox. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 50(4), 2017. doi:10.1107/S1600576717006793.
The full text >>
2017-03-09 Workshop - Basics in CrysTBox, The Institute of Physics, Prague, Czech Republic.
2016-11-30 CrysTBox has spread to 60 countries
2016-04-12 New paper - M. Klinger, L. Polívka, A. Jager and M. Tyunina. Quantitative analysis of structural inhomogeneity in nanomaterials using transmission electron microscopy. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 49(3), 2016. doi:10.1107/S1600576716003800.
2016-02-18 Workshop - Seminar on CrysTBox, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
2016-01-26 New version - CrysTBox Server 1.08 (build 0039)
  • news in cellViewer: IPF and stereographic projection added
  • news in diffractGUI: manual adjustment of detected spots
  • news in ringGUI: manual adjustment of ring centre and background removal, multi-phase analysis
2015-10-26 New version - CrysTBox Server 1.07 (build 0034)
  • first public release consisting three tools - cellViewer, diffractGUI and ringGUI
2015-11-16 New paper - M. Klinger and A. Jäger. Crystallographic Tool Box (CrysTBox): automated tools for transmission electron microscopists and crystallographers. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 48(6), 2015. doi:10.1107/S1600576715017252.