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seminář: L.R.Huerta a M. Ban

Ve středu 26. září od 10:00, proběhne ve velké zasedací místnosti v Praze další ze seminářů ÚTAM.

10.00:  dr. Leopoldo Ruíz-Huerta  (vedoucí Národní laboratoře aditivní a digitální výroby v Mexiku), přednáška s názvem Design for Additive Manufacturing.

10.50:  Matea Ban (Technická univerzita Vídeň), příspěvek s názvem Preservation of Architecture: Results from the European Nano-Cathedral Project.


dr. Leopoldo Ruíz-Huerta: Design for Additive Manufacturing .


abstrakt: Additive Manufacturing has become of major interest in recent years. This processes has many advantages such as the capability to manage part complexity. This manufacturing revolution leads to more freedom and alternatives in design, and then requires either an adaptation of current design practices or new design paradigms. This has raised academic and industrial interests in the so called new design theory and methodology area: design for additive manufacturing (DfAM). However, there are still a number of challenges that need to be overcome to realize the full potential of the technology. DfAM methodologies for the realization of optimal design and product sustainability are relatively new and not yet standardized and there are still gaps that need further investigations. The goal of this presentation is to introduce to some   identified  potential  research  directions  in  developing  design  procedures  for  additive  manufacturing  of  tooling and  functional parts.

Matea Ban: Preservation of Architecture: Results from the European Nano-Cathedral Project.


abstrakt: The lecture deals with the efficiency and compatibility of newly engineered nanometric stone consolidants, tested on different lithotypes representative of European heritage. The strength increase and physical changes, caused by different nano inorganic and hybrid materials, are compared. The role of the treatment application, the substrate as well as the evaluation methods will be discussed.



14. 9. 2018