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Seminář Presbítero

Dr. Geraldo Presbítero přednese dne 14. 11. 2018 ve 14:00, v zasedací místnosti Centra excelence Telč přednášku s názvem: Bone fatigue fracture prevention by analysis of microdamage with TORATOM. Presbítero aktuálně pracuje v Laboratoři rentgenové tomografie v rámci projektu Zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti Centra excelentního výzkumu v kraji Vysočina.


Gérardo Presbítero: Bone fatigue fracture prevention by analysis of microdamage with TORATOM

We work in the consolidation of studies performed by us concerning microdamage developments in bones with use of conventional basic fuchsine staining, on the generation and growth of microfractures which provoke the fracture of bones by fatigue, by means of a novel theoretical model based on a concept called characteristic length. The mentioned conventional staining technique has the disadvantage of being invasive, destructive, two-dimensional (2-D), and tedious. Hence, the aim of our current work is the use of a world-unique patented computed tomography device – TORATOM. Discernment of a proper contrast agent and spot definition is indispensable to identify and quantify individual microcracks. Our findings will define better predictive models to understand and prevent fatigue fractures due to stress and fragility related to osteoporosis, which will be useful in developing new clinical approaches to the problem of osteoporosis.

31. 10. 2018