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Centre of Excellence Telč


welcome to the website of the Centre of Excellence Telč of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the CAS, which provides information about realization and reasearch programme of this project.The project of building the research and development centre was co-funded under the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation from the European Regional Development Fund and from the state budget.


More info...


Solution of the MD Fokker-Planck equation by means...

4 Oct 2018


Lecture: Solution of the multi-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation by means of Finite Element Method is going to be given by  Ing. Jiří Náprstek, DrSc. (ÚTAM AV ČR) in Prague, December 12, 2018


Lecture: Bone fatigue fracture prevention by analysis of microdamage with TORATOM

31 Oct 2018

Dr. Gerardo Presíbtero will give a lecture on Bone fatigue fracture prevention by analysis of microdamage with TORATOM. It will take place on the 14th November, 2018 at 2 p.m. in the meeting room of Centre of Excellence Telč. Presbítero currently works in Laboratory of X-ray Tomography as part of the project Competitiveness Boost of the Centre of Excellence in Vysočina Region.


Lecture: Basic concepts of solid-state NMR spectroscopy

17 Oct 2018

Lecture Basic concepts of solid-state NMR spectroscopy will be given by Dr. Tomaž Čendak on 24th October, 2018 at 10 AM, Telč, CET seminar room.



Lecture: Wind flow around a wind turbine system; wind tunnel...

4 Oct 2018

The lecture Wind flow around a wind turbine system: wind tunnel tests is going to be given by

María Jiménez Portaz,

PhD. student of Universidad de Granada


Lectures given by L. Ruiz-Huerta and M. Ban

14 Sep 2018

The next regular seminar of ITAM is going to be held on  Wednesday 26th of September at 10 AM in Prague. Programme:

10.00: dr. Leopoldo Ruíz-Huerta (head of the National laboratory of additive and digital manufacturing in Mexico)  Design for Additive Manufacturing.

10.50: Matea Ban (Technical University Wien)  Preservation of Architecture: Results from the European Nano-Cathedral Project.


The Chemistry Olympiad at Solvay’s Quarry

13 Sep 2018

The Jubilee 50th International Chemistry Olympiad, IChO took place in Prague and Bratislava from the 19th to the 29th of July, 2018. More than 300 talented students from 76 countries participated. As part of a daylong excursion they visited the open-air museum at Solvay’s Quarry where Dr. Válek and his team gave a presentation on the history and evolution of lime production. The young chemists learned about limestone, the raw material used in the production of quicklime, about its extraction and processing, the history of the industry, and the development of various types of inorganic binding agents. Contemporary research was covered as well, including the project our team from UTAM is currently working on. As part of the lectures there were practical demonstrations on lime slaking, stirring and application. The young Olympians were captivated by the experiments, and often eagerly asked numerous questions. The presentations for each group usually ended in lively discussions. For most of these young chemists this was the first time encountering a practical demonstration in the processing of quicklime. And thus the lectures and the program gave them insight into a craft that utilizes chemical processes they normally only study on a theoretical level.


Prof. Miroš Pirner is celebrating 90th birthday

14 Sep 2018

The former director of ITAM CAS, prof. Ing. Miroš Pirner, DrSc., dr. h. c., is celebrating his 90th birthday. He served as director from 1990 to 1998. He lead the institute through the difficult period after 1989 when ITAM returned the Emmaus Monastery (where it had been located until then) to the Saint Benedict Order, and had to move to a new location. Currently prof. Pirner serves as senior researcher in the department of Dynamics and Stochastic Mechanics.


ITAM team will be given CAS Award

6 Sep 2018


Dr. Jiří Náprstek and Dr. Radomil Král will be given an Award by the Czech Academy of Sciences for an exceptional research, experimental development and innovation result Theoretical background and implementation of finite element method for multi-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation analysis. The team will be awarded during a ceremony in Villa Lanna with representatives of the Board of Academy and the Scientific Board of the CAS, representatives of the press and other guests present.



Interreg Volunteer Youth

20 Jul 2018

ITAM joined a European initiative Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) through an Interreg AT-CZ 133 project with its main investigator Dan Kytýř. The initiative's goal is to offer to young Europeans (18-30) an opportunity to work as a volunteer in a cross-border, multinational and international programmes and related projects. The initiative is a part of the wider concept of European Solidarity Corps.


Historic ruins - protection, use, management

21 May 2018

On November 8-10, 2018, an international scientific conference "Historic ruins - protection, use, management" will be held in Cracow. The conference is co-funded by the Interreg Central Europe Programme within project CE902 RUINS.



In the second half of 1990s, an increased attention was paid to the safeguarding of the built heritage and its integration into the life of contemporary society. The complexity of problems of cultural heritage called for modern interdisciplinary approach and this was started in a systematic way in 1995 by founding of a new department of the Institute - the Associated Research Centre for Historic Structures and Sites (ARCHISS) - joining together researchers from two institutes of the Academy of Sciences. The process continued, because of success in grant project competitions and now there are scientists involved in the research from other institutes and universities and two operating research units - one in Prague and one in another World Heritage City of Telč.



Roman-catholic diocese of St.Pölten and the city of Brno own a great many buildings, such as churches, rectories and monasteries. These structures do not always have a purpose, which consequently has a negative impact on urban development. Not being in use causes their decay. The current problems are of the same character on both sides of the regions' borders, caused mainly by a negative demographic development and past political events in the course of the 20th century.



Utilization of nanomaterials for sustainable conservation of historical sculptures and architectonic works of litavský limestone.  More at:


GAČR 14-20374P

Během karbonatace vápna je třeba sledovat kvantitativní zastoupení polymorfů CaCO3 (kalcit, aragonit, vaterit) a jejich formační kinetiku. Relativní množství odlišných krystalických forem CaCO3 silně ovlivňuje vlastnosti vápenných malt. Kinetika procesu karbonatace a tvorba polymorfů CaCO3 ve vápenných pastách a omítkách bude zkoumána rentgenovou práškovou difrakcí, Ramanovou spektroskopií a infračervenou spektroskopií s Fourierovou transformací. Termogravimetrická analýza bude použita k určení stupně hydratace a rovněž karbonatace. Skenovací elektronová mikroskopie bude použita ke zkoumání mikrostruktury vzorků na morfologickém základu. Vápenné omítky jsou důležitým stavebním materiálem a v oblasti kulturního dědictví hrají klíčovou roli jako optimální materiál pro opravu historických budov. Očekává se, že výsledky této studie budou mít zásadní přínos ke stávajícím znalostem o kinetickém chování, vývoji fází a morfologii během karbonatační reakce vápenných past a malt.
