
29 Oct 2018

V právě vycházejícím čísle Československé psychologie

je uveřejněna pozoruhodná teoretická studie věnovaná odborné terminologii v psychologii. Výzkumné studie se věnují (1) obětem šikanování a osobnostním vlastnostem, jež souvisejí se zastáváním se šikanovaných spolužáků, (2) agresivnímu chování institucionalizovaných adolescentů ve srovnání s těmi, kteří žijí ve svých rodinách, (3) péči o sebe, jež je u pracovníků pomáhajících profesí předpokladem pro udržení schopnosti pomáhat klientům.

24 Oct 2018

Workshop s ochutnávkou; videoukázky vývoje izolačních studií

Přednášející: Doc. PhDr. Bc. Iva Poláčková Šolcová, Ph.D.
Kdy: středa 7. listopadu 2018, 9:00; 13:00 hodin
Kde: Praha 1, Národní 1009/3, Akademie věd ČR, místnost 108

24 Oct 2018

Zveme na přednášku "Století psychologického testování",

kterou v rámci Týdne vědy a techniky AV ČR přednese profesor Tomáš Urbánek v literární kavárně knihkupectví Academia Brno v úterý 8.11.2018 od 17:00 hodin.

24 Oct 2018

Den otevřených dveří v Psychologickém ústavu AV ČR

se koná ve čtvrtek 8. listopadu 2018 od 9.00 do 14.00 hodin v sídle instituce v Brně. Návštěvníci se mohou podívat, co obnáší psychologický výzkum od vymezení problému přes výběr metod, sběr dat, analýzu dat a jejich interpretaci. Dozví se, na jaké oblasti výzkumu se ústav specializuje a jaké nároky musí splňovat vědecký pracovník v tomto oboru.

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Department of Research Methodology

The researchers of the department of Methodology of Psychological Research systematically work on development of methods, which are applied in psychological studies of the Institute, as well as general development of methods which can enrich psychology as a discipline. It is a case of methods, which are used in many scientific fields such as methods of statistical analysis of data or some approaches of qualitative methodology or methods and techniques which are for psychology unique such psychometric or psychodiagnostic methods.

The most often used quantitative methods and methods of statistical analysis of data are methods of multidimensional statistics, such as different steps of multidimensional or optimal scaling, cluster analysis, regression and factor analysis and structural modelling. Practical use of psychodiagnostics can record solutions of researchers interested in possibilities of using computer version of traditional testing and questionnaire methods, such as Computer Adaptive Testing based upon Item Response Theory.

Qualitative approaches developing at the department are coming from narrative methodology and semiotic approach to qualitative data. The study of these methods is interested in questions of validity of these approaches in relation to their contribution of knowing the researched events. Narrative mode of organisation of personal experience and construction of reality and forming of personal identity is researched especially in relation to subjective understanding of life line of individual. Hermeneutic-narrative approach integrates personal, cognitive, and methodological perspective.

We are attempting to use qualitative and quantitative approaches in a synthetic manner, based upon what approaches are more suitable to that concrete set of data. Qualitative approaches are used in cases for generating data accessible to quantitative analysis. This approach is developed for example in psychosemantic methods.


Topics of current research

  • The complexity of mental life
  • Research of cognitive training



Prof. PhDr. Ivo Čermák, CSc. (head of department) www
Mgr. et Mgr. Kristína Czekóová, Ph.D.  
Mgr. Miroslav Filip, Ph.D. www
Doc. PhDr. Vladimír Chrz, Ph.D. www
PhDr. Martin Jelínek, Ph.D. www
PhDr. Petr Květon, Ph.D. www
Mgr. Kateřina Machovcová, Ph.D.  
Mgr. Jiří Mudrák, Ph.D.  
Mgr. Zuzana Pokorná, Ph.D.  
Prof. PhDr. Tomáš Urbánek, Ph.D. www
Mgr. Kateřina Zábrodská, Ph.D. www





  • Jiří Mudrák: Developing academic excellence: A systemic approach to high achievement in early career academics (2017-2019), RIV
  • Ivo Čermák: Severely Traumatized Girls: The Impact of Complex Interpersonal Trauma on Psychopathology of Personality in Adolescence (2016-2018), RIV
  • Kristína Czekóová: Individual differences in self-other distinction (2015-2017), RIV
  • Petr Květoň: Psychological aspects of video game playing: three-generational study (2015-2017), RIV


  • Kateřina Zábrodská: Work environment quality and employee well-being in public higher education (2014-2016), RIV
  • Tomáš Urbánek: Personality traits as mediators of the cognitive training effectiveness (2013-2014), RIV
  • Tomáš Urbánek: Complexity as an expression of the psychological life of an individual (2012-2014), RIV
  • Tomáš Urbánek: Different versions of N-back task: comparing efficiency in improving fluid intelligence scores (2011-2012), RIV
  • Kateřina Zábrodská: Bullying and Mobbing in Tertiary Education: Qualitative Methodology as a Research and Intervention Tool (2010-2012), RIV
  • Tomáš Urbánek: Analysis of stories evoked by Thematic Apperception Test: quantitative and qualitative approaches (2009-2011), RIV
  • Vladimír Chrz: Acting with the Inner Partner in Individual, Group and Cultural Contexts (2009-2011), RIV
  • Martin Jelínek: The issues of polytomous IRT models in the field of psychology of personality and its implementation in the CATO software framework (2009-2011), RIV
  • Miroslav Filip: Psychodiagnostics from a Perspective of the Personal Construct Theory (2009-2011), RIV
  • Petr Květon: Potentials of computer adaptive testing based on IRT in the area of psychological assessment (2006-2007), RIV