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Jiří Fišer
Position: | Ph.D. Student | Email: |
Phone: | +420 267 103 301 |
Room: | G301 |
Selected publications:
- Fišer, Jiří, Chum, Jaroslav, Liu, J. Y., 2017: Medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances over Taiwan observed with HF Doppler sounding, Earth Planets and Space, 69, 1, pp. č. článku 131
- Chum, Jaroslav; Cabrera, M. A.; Mošna, Zbyšek; Fagre, M.; Baše, Jiří; Fišer, Jiří, 2016: Nonlinear acoustic waves in the viscous thermosphere and ionosphere above earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 121, 12, pp. 126–137
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Liu, J.-Y. ; Chen, S.-P. ; Cabrera, M. A. ; Laštovička, Jan ; Baše, Jiří ; Burešová, Dalia ; Fišer, Jiří ; Hruška, František ; Ezquer, R., 2016: Spread F occurrence and drift under the crest of the equatorial ionization anomaly from continuous Doppler sounding and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC scintillation data, Earth, Planets and Space, 68, pp. 56
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Liu, J.-Y. ; Laštovička, Jan ; Fišer, Jiří ; Mošna, Zbyšek ; Baše, Jiří ; Sun, Y.-Y., 2016: Ionospheric signatures of the April 25, 2015 Nepal earthquake and the relative role of compression and advection for Doppler sounding of infrasound in the ionosphere, Earth, Planets and Space, 68, 24
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Bonomi, F. A. M. ; Fišer, Jiří ; Cabrera, M. A. ; Ezquer, R. G. ; Burešová, Dalia ; Laštovička, Jan ; Baše, Jiří ; Hruška, František ; Molina, M. G. ; Ise, J. E. ; Cangemi, J. I. ; Šindelářová, Tereza, 2014: Propagation of gravity waves and spread F in the low-latitude ionosphere over Tucumán, Argentina, by continuous Doppler sounding: First results, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119, 8, pp. 6954-6965
- Fišer, Jiří ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Diendorfer, G. ; Parrot, M. ; Santolík, Ondřej, 2010: Whistler intensities above thunderstorms, Annales Geophysicae, 28, 1, pp. 37-46
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Jiříček, František ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Parrot, M. ; Diendorfer, G. ; Fišer, Jiří, 2006: Assigning the causative lightning to the whistlers observed on satellites, Annales Geophysicae, 24, 11, pp. 2921-2929
- HORIZON 2020, projekt ARISE2, Atmospheric dynamics Research InfraStructure in Europe 2, 2015-2018. Investigator: Laštovička, J., Team: Šindelářová T. - member of Management Committee, Chum J., Baše J., Fišer J., Hruška F., Obrazová (Burešová) D. Details