Intranet Čeština

Press releases

The scientific evidence indicates that installing ‘wintertime’ is the best option for public health (30.10. 2018)

Chronobiology studies the influence of day-night rhythms and seasonal changes in living organisms (and received the Nobel Prize 2017 for these discoveries).  As experts in biological clocks and sleep, we have been following the initiative of the European Commission to abandon the annual clock-time changes in spring and autumn in the EU.  We would like to emphasize that the scientific evidence presently available indicates that installing permanent Standard Time (ST, or ‘wintertime’) is the best option for public health.

Press release

DST statement

Sensor domain of TRPA1 channel contributes to detection of painful stimuli (24.1. 2018)

Acute pain is a normal reaction of the somatosensory system to noxious stimulation which serves a protective function and is the first symptom of disease, especially of inflammatory origin. In its chronic form, pain is maladaptive and has a significant impact on quality of life. The scientists from the Department of Cellular Neurophysiology, Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with the Division of Biomolecular Physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, investigate the function of a distinct group of proteins involved in the mechanisms of acute and chronic pain.

Press release


Ústav organické chemie a biochemie a Fyziologický ústav podepsaly licenční smlouvu s Novo Nordisk (4.9. 2017)

Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR (ÚOCHB) ve spolupráci s Fyziologickým ústavem AV ČR (FGÚ) vyvinul nové látky, které mají pozitivní účinky v experimentálních zvířecích modelech obezity či diabetu typu II. Tyto látky byly vyvinuty v laboratoři Dr. Lenky Maletínské (ÚOCHB), která se se svým týmem zaměřila na syntézu a zkoumání modifikovaných analogů přirozených neuropeptidů. Ústavy podepsaly licenční smlouvu s významnou farmaceutickou firmou Novo Nordisk, která tyto látky bude nadále vyvíjet a připravovat nejprve pro preklinické testy na zvířecích modelech, po nichž v případě úspěšnosti budou následovat testy klinické.

Tisková zpráva

Institute of Physiology is launching a new confocal microscope (9.6. 2015)

Institute of Physiology CAS is launching a confocal microscope Leica SP8 AOBS WLL MP who was purchased with the support of the European Regional Development Fund within the project OPPK "BrainView - Centre for the study of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases" (CZ.2.16/3.1.00/21544).

Chillies can reduce the pain (16.3. 2015)

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