- Kinematic and dynamic anisotropy of sedimentary and crystalline rocks: Ultrasonic, synchrotron and neutron diffraction study , MŠMT , Tomáš Lokajíček
- Multi-approach study of processes in sandstone exposures: new view on study and interpretation of selected sandstone landforms , GACR , Michal Filippi
- Palaeobiological study of marine fossil fishes from the Oligocene of the Hermanowa locality (Poland) , GACR , Tomáš Přikryl
- Re-Os geochronology of ore mineralizations from the Bohemian Massif with possible metallogenic implications , GACR , Lukáš Ackerman
- Hi-res correlation and dating of Mid-Palaeozoic sedimentary sequences of Peri-Gondwana using integrated biostratigraphy and chemo-physical methods , AVČR , Ladislav Slavík
- Laboratory simulations of space weathering - the role of iron nanoparticles in the reflectance spectra of asteroids , MŠMT , Tomáš Kohout
- Magnetic susceptibility meter for asteroid regolith composition studies (MSM) , ESA , Tomáš Kohout
- High-resolution oristic changes as a response to climatic dynamics during the Late Palaeozoic ice age recorded in the basins of the Bohemian Massif , GACR , Jiří Bek
- Origin and characteristic of mantle and core rocks , AVČR , Martin Svojtka
- Quantitative analysis of quartz deformation affecting ASR in concrete , GACR , Tomáš Lokajíček