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  • International competition for the post of The head of The gemonic and metabolomics section in Olomouc

  • Pracoviště: Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR, v. v. i.; Centrum regionu Haná pro biotechnologický a zemědělský výzkum, Laboratoř růstových regulátorů, Oddělení metabolomiky

    Pracovní náplň
    ·                  Zajištění chodu kanceláře

  • Free position at the Institute of Experimental Botany Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
    Rozvojová 263, Praha 6 Lysolaje
    We are searching for a motivated colleague with a university degree to work as a research assistant in the Laboratory of Plant Reproduction. The field of interest is plant molecular biology, application of PCR and methods of gene expression analyses. Interest in genomics and bioinformatics is very welcome. The 1-year position starts January 1st 2018.

Graduation thesis

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Bachelor thesis

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