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Russian-British seminar SW2017


Russian-British Seminar of Young Scientists “Dynamical plasma processes in the heliosphere: from the Sun to the Earth”


[edit] 18- 21 September 2017, Irkutsk, Russia

The Russian-British seminar of young scientists, chaired by Professor V.M. Nakariakov (Warwick, UK) and Professor A.T. Altyntsev (ISTP, Russia) will hold at the Irkutsk Molchanov-Sibirskii Regional Library (Lermontov str 253, Irkutsk, http://www.irklib.ru).on the 18-21st of September in Irkutsk, Russia.

The seminar is funded by the British Council (grant 2016-RLWK7-10419) and Russian Foundation for Basics Research (grant № 17-52-77005).

The main topics of the seminar are the interdisciplinary challenges of solar and space physics and geophysics, including:

  • Magnetohydrodynamic waves. Analogies and differences between the coronal, solar wind and magnetospheric plasmas; and the ionospheric and chromospheric plasmas.
  • Magnetic reconnection and impulsive energy releases: solar flares and geomagnetic storms.
  • Charged particle acceleration and dynamics.
  • Advanced modelling techniques, high-performance computing.
  • Advanced data analysis techniques.
  • Modern instrumentation.


Monday 18th September



706 8:30 – 9:00 Registration of the participants
9:00 – 09:20 Open ceremony

Inna Popova (British Council)
Valery Nakariakov (Warwick, UK)
Alexander Altyntsev (ISTP RAS)
Andrei Medvedev (ISTP RAS)

9:20 – 10:05 Chair: Alexander Altyntsev
Keynote lectures
Valery Nakariakov. MHD waves in the solar corona
10:05 – 10:40 Dmitry Klimushkin. MHD waves in magnetosphere
10:40 – 11:10 Coffee-break
11:00 – 12:30 Oral presentations of the participants
  1. Tomas Elsden. Theoretical foundation of 3D Alfven resonances
  2. Dmitry Zavershinsky, Molevich N., Ryashchikov D., Belov S. Dispersion properties of MHD waves in thermally unstable plasma
  3. Evgeny Shirokov. Theory, of quasi-electrostatic waves in a magneto-plasma applied to antenna measurements on board rockets and satellites
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 14:45 Chair: Suzanne Imber

Keynote lecture
David Pascoe. Advanced modelling techniques, high-performance computing

14:45 – 16:00 Oral presentations of the participants
  1. Sergey Anfinogentov, Pascoe D., Goddard C., Nakariakov V.
    Coronal loop seismology using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques
  2. Patrick Antolin. Transverse Kelvin—Helmholtz rolls in spicules
  3. Andrei Chelpanov, Kobanov N., Chupin S. On the search of Alfvén waves in faculae
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee-break
16:30 – 18:10 Oral presentations of the participants
  1. Peter Keys. Magnetic bright points as waveguides: Advances made with observational techniques
  2. Jonathan Thurgood. Three-dimensional oscillatory reconnection
  3. Harim Lee, Moon Y.-J., Nakariakov V. Statistical study on the radial and azimuthal wave modes of 24 halo coronal mass ejections using multi spacecraft
  4. Dmitry Kolotkov. Nonlinear transverse oscillations of prominences in a magnetic field dip
ISTP 19:00 – 21:00 Welcome party (Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics)
Tuesday 19th September
706 9:00 – 10:20 Chair: Dmitry Klimushkin

Keynote lectures
Larisa Kashapova. Magnetic reconnection and impulsive energy releases in solar flares
Suzanne Imber. Solar wind — magnetosphere coupling

10:20 – 10:50 Coffee-break
11:00 – 12:30 Oral presentations of the participants
  1. Vladimir Belakhovsky, Pilipenko V. Acceleration of the electrons to the relativistic energies at the outer radiation belt during magnetic storms and without it
  2. Daniil Chuiko. MHD waveguide in the outer magnetosphere
  3. Svetlana Znatkova, Antonova E., Pulinets M., Kirpichev I. What influence the low-latitude boundary layer formation?
  4. John Coxon, Fear R., Trenchi L. Filamentary currents in five FTEs observed by MMS
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:40 Chair: Natalia Perevalova

Oral presentations of the participants

  1. Maxim Klimenko, Klimenko V. Upper atmosphere model as a tool for space climate and its application for space weather
  2. Daria Kotova, Ovodenko V., Yasyukevich Yu., Nosikov I., Klimenko M., Mylnikova A., Ratovsky K. Ground-based GNSS data for the correction of the ionospheric model using modified solar index
  3. Yury Yasyukevich and GNSS-lab team. Ionosphere researches based on Global Navigation Satellite System data
  4. Babalola Olasupo Ogunsua. The chaoticity and dynamical complexity of the ionospheric processes and dynamics: The journey so far
ISTP 14:00 – 16:00 Panel discussion

Inna Popova (British Council) Educational and scientific projects of the British Council in Russia

15:40 – 16:10 Coffee-break
706 16:10 – 17:50 Oral presentations of the participants
  1. Oleg Laryunin. Study of traveling ionospheric disturbances using closely spaced ionosondes
  2. Robert Shore, Freeman M., Gjerloev J. Empirical determination of ionospheric equivalent currents throughout solar cycle 23
  3. Catherine Dieval. MAVEN statistical observations of magnetic flux ropes in the Martian dayside ionosphere
  4. Matthew James, Imber S., Yeoman T., Bunce E. Field line resonant wave activity in the Hermean magnetosphere
18:00 – 20:00 Public lecture

Suzanne Imber. Space weather through the Solar System

Wednesday 20th September
706 9:00 – 09:45 Chair: David Pascoe

Keynote lecture
Alexander Altyntsev. Modern instrumentation. Advanced data analysis techniques

9:00 – 10:30 Oral presentations of the participants
  1. Leonid Ledentsov, Somov B. The thermal instability of the reconnecting current layer in solar flares
  2. Cristopher Nelson. Small-scale burst and jets in the lower solar atmosphere
  3. Juie Shetye. High-frequency waves in small scale solar chromospheric events
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee-break
11:00 – 11:50 Chair: Dmitry Klimushkin

Oral presentations of the participants

  1. Marianna Korsos. Typical dynamic evolution of flaring active regions in 3D
  2. Artem Ulyanov. Open-source project for analysis and modelling of solar corona structure and dynamics
11:50 – 12:30 Networking session

Inna Popova. Educational and scientific projects of the British Council Valery Nakariakov. UK and EU funding opportunities for collaborative projects

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch
203 14:00 – 16:00 Networking session

Lecture: How to form international collaborations: Intercultural skills, challenges, opportunities, best practice (Nakariakov V.)
Discussion of the research base and funding opportunities in the UK and Russia. (Mentors: Pasco D., Imber S., Perevalova N., Klimushkin D.). Discussion of the possible cooperation projects

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee-break
16:30 – 18:00 Tutorial “Modeling of MHD and kinetic plasma processes with modern software“ (David Pascoe). Dmitrii Kolotkov Tutorial "Hilbert–Huang Transform (HHT). Forming of the initiative project groups
19:00 – 21:00 Conference dinner
Thursday 21th September
203 9:00 – 10:30 Networking session

Robert Sych. Russian funding opportunities for collaborative projects. Discussion of career development opportunities in the UK and Russia. (Mentors: Pascoe D., Imber S., Perevalova N., Klimushkin D.)

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee-break
11:00 – 12:30 Networking session

How to prepare collaborative project: From CV to abstract and timeline. (Mentors: Nakariakov V., Pascoe D., Imber S., Perevalova N., Klimushkin D.)

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 16:00 Networking session

Discussion of possible cooperation projects. Preparation of the abstract and working plans by the initiative groups. (Mentors: Pascoe D., Imber S., Perevalova N., Klimushkin D.)

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee-break
16:30 – 18:00 Networking session

Chair: Alexander Altyntsev and Valery Nakariakov
Presentation and possible cooperation projects.
Discussion of possible cooperation projects.
Workshop briefing for media.

706 18:00 – 20:00 Open panel discussion with visitors of the Library

How to form international collaborations: Intercultural skills, challenges, opportunities, best practice. (Nakariakov V. and TBD)

Friday 22th September
Field trip to the Radioastrophysical Observatory, Badary (optionally)

[edit] Organizing committee

  • Prof. A.T. Altyntsev (ISTP SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia) – co-chair
  • Prof. V. M. Nakariakov (The University of Warwick, UK) – co-chair
  • Prof. T.D. Arber (The University of Warwick, UK) – mentor
  • Dr. S. Imber (University of Leicester, UK) – mentor
  • Dr. D. Pascoe (The University of Warwick, UK) – mentor
  • Dr. D. Yu. Klimushkin ( ISTP SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia) - mentor
  • Dr. N.P. Perevalova ( ISTP SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia) –mentor

The participants of the seminar




Anfinogentov, Sergei University of Warwick Coventry /UK
Antolin, Patrick University of St Andrews St Andrews/ UK
Belakhovsky, Vladimir Polar Geophysical Institute KSC RAS Apatity / Russia
Chelpanov, Andrei ISTP SB RAS Irkutsk/ Russia
Chuiko, Daniil ISTP SB RAS Irkutsk/ Russia
Coxon, John University of Southampton Southampton/ UK
Dieval, Catherine University of Lancaster Lancaster/ UK
Elsden, Thomas University of St Andrews St Andrews/ UK
Keys, Peter Astrophysics Research Centre, Queen’s University Belfast Belfast/ U.K.
Klimenko, Maxim WD IZMIRAN RAS, Kant Baltic Federal University Kaliningrad /Russia
Kolotkov, Dmitrii University of Warwick Coventry /UK
Korsos, Marianna University of Sheffield Sheffield /UK
Kotova, Daria WD IZMIRAN RAS Kaliningrad /Russia
Laryunin, Oleg ISTP SB RAS Irkutsk /Russia
Ledentsov, Leonid Moscow State University Moscow /Russia
Lee, Harim School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea Republic of Korea (self-paid)
Matthew, James University of Leicester Leicester/UK
Nelson, Cristopher University of Sheffield Sheffield /UK


Babalola Olasupo Isaiah

Space Physics Laboratory, Department of Physics, School of Sciences, Federal University of Technology Akure, Ondo State/ Nigeria (self-paid)
Shetye, Juie Armagh Observatory Armagh/ UK
Shirokov, Evgenii Institute of Applied Physics RAS Nizhny Novgorod/Russia
Shore, Robert British Antarctic Survey Cambridge/ UK
Thurgood, Jonathan Northumbria University Newcastle upon Tyne/ UK
Ulyanov, Artem Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow/ Russia
Yasyukevcih, Yuri ISTP SB RAS Irkutsk /Russia
Zavershinskii, Dmitrii Samara National Research University, Lebedev Physical Institute RAS Samara /Russia
Znatkova, Svetlana Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow /Russia

[edit] Accomodation

You don't need to book your accommodation for the days of the seminar, as the LOC has made a package booking at the hotel Academicheskaya (http://academichotel.ru/) near the seminar venue, for September 17-23. If you want to add some additional days to your stay in Irkutsk, you will need to pay for the extra days by yourselves. There are several good hotels in the city centre of Irkutsk, and if you need any advice you are welcome to contact Larisa Kashapova (lkk@iszf.irk.ru). You may also stay longer in the hotel Academicheskaya if you like it.

Please visit it from time to time, as we keep posting there various useful information.

12:45, 15 September 2017, Administrator,

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