JUDr. Michal Illner

senior researcher
210 310 227

Curriculum vitae


1968, JUDr. Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague

Field of specialisation: 

Spatial aspects of social development, sociology of human settlements, local and regional politics and policy

Teaching activities: 

Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague, since 1992

Faculty of Sciences, Charles University in Prague, Dept. of Social Geography and Regional Development, since 1990

Foreign scholarships, fellowships or other academic study abroad: 

1967, Central Archive of Empirical Social Research, Cologne, Germany

1969-1970, Columbia University, New York City, USA, Bureau of Applied Social Research

Biographic information: 

Masaryk Czech Sociological Association, since 1966

Czech Demographic Association, since 1974

Polish Sociological Association, since 1997

International Sociological Association, since 1990

European Urban Reseach Association, since 2001

Editorial Board, Sociologický časopis (Journal of Sociology, Czech), since 1991

Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Sub-Committee for Sociology

Scientific Council, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague

Czech Statistical Council

Scientific Council, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

Scientific Council, The Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic


All publications

Chapters in monograph

Articles with impact factor


Peer-reviewed journal articles

Non-peer-reviewed articles