24.10. - Jiří Bek, Petr Štorch (Institute of Geology), Viktor Žárský - Early land plants on the island close to Prague

24.10. - Jiří Bek, Petr Štorch (Institute of Geology), Viktor Žárský - Early land plants on the island close to Prague
St, 24.10.2018 - 13:00 - 14:30

24.10. - Jiří Bek (GLÚ), Petr Štorch (GLÚ), Viktor Žárský - Early land plants on the island close to Prague
partly (not only) based on this paper

2018 May;4(5):269-271. doi: 10.1038/s41477-018-0140-y. Epub 2018 Apr 30.

Sporophytes of polysporangiate land plants from the early Silurian period may have been photosynthetically autonomous.

Libertín M1, Kvaček J2, Bek J3, Žárský V4, Štorch P3.


Přednášející z ÚEB: 
Viktor Žárský