Na základě výzkumu rostlinných společenstev v České republice se pokoušíme odpovědět na dvě otázky: Jaký je vztah mezi funkční a fylogenetickou strukturou společenstev a jejich invazibilitou? Jaký je funkční a fylogenetický vztah mezi původními druhy společenstva a nepůvodními druhy, které tato společenstva invadují?

Použitá a citovaná literatura:

DARWIN, Charles. On the origins of species by means of natural selection. London: Murray, 1859.
ELTON, Charles S. The Ecology of Invasions by Animals and Plants. London: Methuen, 1958.
JONES, Emily I.; NUISMER, Scott L.; GOMULKIEWICZ, Richard. Revisiting Darwin's conundrum reveals a twist on the relationship between phylogenetic distance and invasibility. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013, 110.51: 20627-20632.
LOIOLA, Priscilla P., et al. Invaders among locals: Alien species decrease phylogenetic and functional diversity while increasing dissimilarity among native community members. Journal of Ecology, doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12986
LOSOSOVÁ, Zdeňka, et al. Alien plants invade more phylogenetically clustered community types and cause even stronger clustering. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2015, 24.7: 786-794.
SÁDLO, Jiří, et al. Regional species pools of vascular plants in habitats of the Czech Republic. Preslia, 2007, 79.4: 303-321.
THUILLER, Wilfried, et al. Resolving Darwin’s naturalization conundrum: a quest for evidence. Diversity and Distributions, 2010, 16.3: 461-475.

Based on our studies of plant communities in the Czech Republic we try to answer two questions: What do we know about the functional and phylogenetic structure of plant communities and their invasibility? What is the functional and phylogenetic relationship between native species of the community and alien species invading this community?