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Low Temperature Chemistries for Atomic Layer Deposition Utilizing Hydrogen Peroxide Gas and Hydrazine Gas

Thursday, 11.10.2018 14:00

Speakers: Jeff Spiegelman (CEO and Founder, RASIRC)
Place: Knihovna Fyzikálního ústavu AV ČR, Cukrovarnická 10, 16200 Praha 6
Presented in angličtina
Organisers: Department of Optical Materials
RASIRC is a division of Mitsubishi Chemical, a $50B chemical and gas company.  RASIRC is a small independent division that focuses on water vapor, hydrogen peroxide gas and hydrazine gas for atomic layer deposition and subsystem precision humidification.  We have developed the first commercial technology for delivery of hydrogen peroxide gas with minimal water vapor.  This can create ALD films that are not possible with water, ozone, or oxygen plasma.  Similarly, RASIRC has developed a proprietary formulation for delivery of hydrazine that is safer than straight hydrazine.  Our innovative purification and analytical techniques enable us to deliver the driest hydrazine gas possible today.  Water vapor in hydrazine prevents its use in growing low temperature nitride ALD films.  With our analytical technical we can verify the water content is below 30 ppb in the gas phase.  I will present our technology and ALD films grown with our chemistry by end-users, OEMs, and leading universities.