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Singularity free Universe in double field theory

Tuesday, 24.07.2018 14:00

Speakers: Renato Costa (University of Cape Town, South Africa )
Place: Seminar room n. 117, Institute of Physics, Pod Vodárenskou věží 1, Prague 8
Presented in English
Organisers: Department of Particle Theory and Phenomenology

The singularity problem is one of the hints that the ΛCDM models has to be extended at very high energies. We use the guiding principle of symmetries to extend the FLRW background to an explicitly T-dual one which is well described by double field theory (DFT). We show that, at the level of the background, one can have a singularity-free cosmology once the dual time coordinate introduced by DFT is inversely related to the standard time coordinate of general relativity. We also show that introducing matter in DFT cosmology naturally leads to the correct equation of state for the winding modes and to a more clear interpretation of the connection between the two time coordinates.