In this talk, we present an amusing observation that primordial gravitational waves, if ever observed, can be used to bound the hidden field content of the universe. This is because a large number of hidden fields can resum to potentially observable logarithmic runnings for the graviton two-point function in the context of single field inflation, courtesy of a `large N' expansion. This allows one to translate ever more precise bounds on the tensor to scalar consistency relation into bounds on the hidden field content of the universe, with potential implications for phenomenological...
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Semináře a workshopy oddělení 29
Minulé semináře a workshopy
Prof. A. Nikitin | Integrable models with matrix potentials | 26.08.2013 15:00 |
Prof. R. Gopakumar | Minimal Model Holography | 18.07.2013 15:00 |
Prof. Laurent Baulieu | Minimizing gauge-functional for 2-d gravity and string theory | 14.03.2013 15:00 |
Jaroslav Trnka | Scattering Amplitudes and the Positive Grassmannian | 05.11.2012 15:00 |
Dr. Dieter Van Den Bleeken | Scaling solutions and pure Higgs states | 22.10.2012 15:00 |
Luca Lopez | Cubic interactions of higher spins in (A)dS | 08.10.2012 15:00 |
Toshifumi Noumi | Constraints on a class of classical solutions in open string field theory | 24.09.2012 15:00 |
A. G. Nikitin | Supersymmetric and superintegrable models of quantum mechanics | 27.08.2012 15:00 |
Miloš V. Lokajíček | Kvantová fyzika bez pozorovatelů a paradoxů? | 13.10.2011 15:00 |
B. Wecht | New Tools for New SCFTs | 24.05.2011 15:00 |
Oddělení teorie a fenomenologie částic (29)
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