The question, if respondents are going to participate in the June referendum on the entry of the Czech Republic to the European Union, was answered as follows: 42 % of citizens with the voting right stated they would "definitely" participate, 35 % said they would "more likely" participate and 16 % would not take part. The group, which does not know whether it will participate or not, currently amounts to seven percent.

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All respondents having the right to vote were traditionally asked an open question (i.e. without a list of political parties being used) investigating which party they would vote for if an election to the Chamber of Deputies took place the following week. The structure of the answers given is summarised in the table. The question ‘Imagine that an election to the Chamber of Deputies is held next week.

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The survey showed that the most frequent form of assistance provided by employers is a reduction of working hours to a part-time job - this is available at a workplace of 29% of respondents. Approximately one fifth (22%) could benefit from flexible working ours or a job-share (21%). Approximately every tenths respondent stated that he or she could work from home (11%) and that their employer provided them with an exceptional leave of absence (12%).

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The issues of balancing work with a family life were surveyed by the department of Gender & Sociology of the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Science of the CR in an April questionnaire. No problems were reported by almost a quarter of respondents (23%). If some problems were reported they occurred during the third year of the child’s life. Half of respondents reported that they problems with how to balance work and family duties appeared at this stage.

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In April, 18% of those polled were satisfied with the political situation, while 31% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. 47% of respondents voiced dissatisfaction. 59% of respondents said they were satisfied with their life, whereas 25% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. 18% of those polled considered themselves dissatisfied.

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Most of economically active respondents who are concerned with this problem stated that they did not have problems balancing both (59%). About a fifth handles their job tasks very well - but at the expense of their family (21%). Two percent experience the opposite – they cut work short for the benefit of their family. Fifteen percent manage to handle just half of family and work responsibilities. Three percent of respondents balance work and family with major difficulties.

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For many activities connected with caring for children the most frequent situation is that both parents jointly share these or take turns depending on who has time at that point, and generally it applies that the proportion of both parents’ taking a share in individual activities connected with caring for children is higher in families of the current generation than it used to be in families of the previous generation.

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Economically active respondents stated that the main decisive factor was financial security – which for 81% plays a very important and for 17% a more important role. Connected to this is also the need to improve the family budget (71% very important, 22% more important). The majority of respondents stress the need to be independent as the reason for their work activity (very important: 57%) 54% also identified security in the case of illness and the security of a pension as very important factors.

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A large proportion of those who are economically active identify the opportunity for women to become economically active compared to men to be worse in their field of work. With the exception of the ability to get a management position, where the opinion that men have a better chance compared to women was supported by almost three fifths of respondents, this view does not prevail over the portion of those who see the position of men and women to be equal.

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According to the answers provided, Czechs most often look after the household together, as stated by three fifths of men and almost a half of women. Only a small proportion of men said that most care for the household was placed on them. A quarter of men admitted that their partners do the most in looking after the household, however a third of women believe that they themselves do the most in looking after the household.

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