This press release presents the other part of acquired results, which relate to the topic – position of president in political systém of Czech Republic.

Survey was devoted to opinions of czech public about every single constitutional presidental competence. The search was focused on what are public opinions about position of president to government, his status to appoinment of government , president’s right to dissolve Chamber of Deputies, right to call an election, right to veto and its existence, status of president to appointment of Constitutional Court judges and position of president in Foreign politics field of our country.

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In the April survey, CVVM extensively treated questions concerning opinions of citizens opinions about a position of the president in political system of Czech Republic.

This press information presents first part of gained results(including previous surveys)

First of all we interrogated all the respondents about which electoral method is, according to their point of view, the most suitable for the Czech Republic.

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In April survey 2005 CVVM was concerned also on attitudes of czech citizens to European Union and on public opinions about agreement on EU constitution. Two fifths of citizens share undecided attitudes to membership of Czech Republic in EU. 30% of citizens are satisfied with Czech EU membership , on the other side 18 % of citizens are dissatisfied with it. More than a half of respondents admitted that they are not informed about content of European Constitution at all.

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Highest level of trust, out of all constitutional institutions, enjoys president Václav Klaus,

though trust in him, expressed by citizens, is on the wane. 67% of respondents expressed their trust in the president. Contemporary government crisis shook with citizens’trust to government, but it shook with confidence in constitutional institutions as well and first of all with confidence in both Chambers of Parliament.

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All respondents having the right to vote were asked an open question (i.e. without a list of political parties being used) investigating which party they would vote for if an election to the Chamber of Deputies took place the following week. The structure of the answers given is summarised in the table (in %).

The question ‘Imagine that an election to the Chamber of Deputies is held next week.

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According to March survey CVVM interrogated citizens about their involvement in sport activities, civil affinity group next to their home (Almost a third of citizens sometimes join in these activities). A fifth of repondents stated they sometimes involve in the activity, that was started by a charity organization or by a foundation. 18% of respondents participate in municipal government and 12 % in professional associations.

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Major part of czech citizens (72%) agree with Czech EU membership, only almost a quarter of respondents (22%) dissagree with it, 6% of citizens could not answer that question.Majot part of czech citizens agree with czech NATO membership, though less people agree with it than in case of czech Eu membership. 62% of respondents agree with czech NATO membership, 28% of respondents disagree with it.

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As a part of a March survey there was a question focused on a way , how voters perceive 4 long-term strongest political Parties. There were chosen some criterions, that represent both concrete programme aspects and general characteristics of activity made by Parties at political stage. There were not detected outstanding differences among evaluation of every single Party, particularly at negative statement „ it deals only with how to gain power“.

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According to March survey made by CVVM, the least trustworthy parlament Party is KSČM.

Two thirds of respondents did not trust to this Party (Either definitely or probably )

A quarter of respondents trust definitely or probably this Party.

The most trustworthy Party was found ODS(43%) according to March survey.

There is no Party (included ODS), which is supported by more supporters than


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In May 2005 CVVM focused on political culture and political Parties in Czech Republic.

According to major part of czech citizens (75%) arguments, problems and scandals are common and occur in other democracies, although major part of addressed respondents (82%) expressed their opinion that these argumentations and scandals discredit us abroad.

Almost all respondents (95%) agreed that there is need to inform public about the problems, argumentations and scandals, because czech politicians need to be under control of public.

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